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Season 4 Episode 13 "The Feast of All Sinners"

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Season 4 Episode 13 "The Feast of All Sinners"

Standing in front of all the Hollow followers, when they reveal a dead body named Dominic. Hollow Hope and Hollow Luke lifted their hands and resurrected him. Dominic gasped awake to see the Hollow twins. Dominic stood next to the twins and exclaimed, "All of you, know that this is the power of the Hollow...".

"The power to transcend death, and destroy all who stand against us", explained Dominic, being the Hollows sidekick. He was the first one to bow down towards the Hollow, while the other followers quickly bowed down as well. The Hollows smirked at all their followers, while Hope and Luke were struggling to keep fighting.

Taking a stroll down New Orleans with the followers, while Dominic exclaimed, "Witches of New Orleans. I ask you to join your one and true savior. Pledge your loyalty, and she will free you from oppression".

People began to yell, "Watch those kids. They kill witches", as they scream and run away from them. The crowd continues yelling, screaming, when Hope got angry and made a street light explode, making more people yell.

Hope and Luke smile sinisterly as the screaming continues, when Hayley ran into view yelling their names, "Hope! Luke!".

"Baby, I know you two can hear me. I need you to fight her", demanded Hayley as The Hollows got upset.

"You think you can stop me?", questioned Hollow Luke.

"I'm not gonna let you take them", demanded Hayley. Hollow Luke flew Hayley up in the air and snapped her neck. Luke fought and he saw his mother dead on the street for a couple of seconds, when The Hollow fought back control.


The followers and The Hollow were having a party, and drinking. The Hollow twins were looking around the party with Dominic, when they heard, "Quite the party" as acolytes murmured.

"Marcel Gerard, king of New Orleans. Accompanied by his top advisor. Well, I trust you've come to grovel and bow before the power of the Hollow", explained Dominic as the Hollow was staring at Marcel.

Marcel informed, "Actually, we came to make a truce. The way I see it, we both have the same enemy: the Mikaelsons. Now, you help me get them out of this city, and maybe there's a world in which we all live happily ever after", and the Hollow twins nodded.

"Diplomacy", replied Hollow Hope and Hollow Luke finished, "A wise choice".

The Hollow twins stare at each other and Hope said, "I want the king to kneel before me". Marcel hesitatedly bow down in annoyance and by force.

Dominic informed to the followers, "Behold, covens of New Orleans, even the great Marcel Gerard is nothing in the face of the Hollow", as Marcel blew a powder into Hope's and Luke's face making them pass out.


Fluttering their eyes open to see, Hayley looking down at her kids and the twins felt not in control anymore. "It's okay, baby. You're okay", muttered Hayley as she hugged her kids.

Hope and Luke whispered, "Mom?", as they stare at her. They then look around to see Klaus standing a few feet in front of them. "Dad?", questioned Luke as he spotted Klaus first.

"Daddy?", asked Hope, as she spotted him next.

Luke turned to Hayley and asked, "What's happening?".

"Luke, Hope. I love you", said Klaus as he exhaled and vamp sped out the compound. The twins began to yell, "Dad? Dad! Dad!", while hugging their Mom and letting tears fall from their face.


Hope and Luke were with Freya, and she informed, "Your aunt Rebekah ask me to give you this", and held a mikaelson crest necklace and ring

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Hope and Luke were with Freya, and she
informed, "Your aunt Rebekah ask me to give you this", and held a mikaelson crest necklace and ring.

"She loves you, kids so much. Family heirlooms are very important, they remind us of where we come from, and that no matter where you go, out family is with us", explained Freya as she put on Hope's necklace, and Luke's ring.

"It's a little too big", adds Luke, about the ring.

"You will grow into it. Keep it safe since then", replied Freya and Luke put his ring in his pocket.

"I love you kids", says Freya.

"I love you, too aunt Freya", says the twins hugging Freya. Hayley came down with their stuff, and she hugged goodbye to Freya. Hayley said to he kids, "Ready".

The twins nodded, and said, "We are". They walked out not knowing when they are coming back home.

Hayley brought them to a school for kids like them, in Mystic Falls, VA. There were kids everywhere. Hope and Luke smiled, at each other. Hope was already talking to two girls, while Luke was just looking around. Some kid bumped into him and apologized, "So sorry".

"It's okay", replied Luke. He looked up and saw a guy with blonde hair.

"Are you new here?", asked the kid.

"Yeah, my sister and I just started to come here", replied Luke.

"Who is your sister?", questioned the kid.

"Hope Marshall", answered Luke.

"Cool. I am Mateo, how about you?", asked Mateo.

"I am Luke Marshall", says Luke.

"Well, Luke do you wanna be best friends?", asked Mateo.

"Sure", replied Luke. Luke could feel his mom's eyes on him, so he turned around and waved for a while, as he went back to talk with Mateo.

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