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Season 4 Episode 8 "Voodoo In My Blood"

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Season 4 Episode 8 "Voodoo In My Blood"

Looking and circling a bone on a table, while hearing very faint whispers. Hope and Luke eye eachother everytime they hear a whisper. "Hope, Luke, What is going on?", asked Hayley, walking into the room. Hayley looked nervous for them being so close to the bone, so she pulled them away.

"Do you hear that?", asked Luke, and Hayley was about to answer when Klaus interrupted coming downstairs, "What is going on?".

Hope and Luke turn to him, and Hayley questioned, "Look at me, tell me what you heard", as she gently touched their face, so they can turn to her. The twins turn around to look at Hayley.

"Voices, they said that we are connected to this....", replied Hope.

"Me, you, and hope", finished Luke. Klaus and Hayley share a worried look.

Klaus started to get desperate and replied, "If this fossil has been whispering lies I'll gladly throw it in the river".

"No, not the bone, Dad", replied Luke as he turned to see his Dad.

"The witches, the ancestors", adds Hope. Hope and Luke looked up, and Luke started, "They have a message for us".

"A warning", finished Hope. Hayley touched the twins faces making them look down, and demanded, "Tell me what they said".

"They want you to go to St. Anne Church to talk to them", replied Hope.

"They say you have to do exactly what they say, and you have to do it now", informed Luke. Hope and Luke turn to the bone and say together as they hold hands, "Before the hollow comes for us". Hayley and Klaus look at eachother worried, and left the compound.


Being in their rooms, relaxing, reading, or drawing. Luke was reading the Book Of Rhymes on the floor and Hope is reading another book on the bed. Luke stood up off the floor and sat on Hope's bed, and he said, "Why are you reading?".

Hope looked up from her book, and complained, "You were reading, too".

"Yeah, well. Mine is more interesting", informed Luke, with a smirk and Hope had a worried look on her face. "You okay?", asked Luke to Hope.

Hope shook her head and questioned, "Was it a good idea to tell them about St. Anne Church?".

"Yeah, they are going to be fine. They're strong, they got this", explained Luke. Hope continued reading and Luke dropped back on to the floor and continued reading his book.

After a while, the twins heard the ancestors. "Davina don't", Hope and Luke heard their dad's voice. Hope gasped and Luke got up, and threw his bracelet on the ground, and Hope did the same. The twins ran to the church.

Hope and Luke made it to the church just in time. Davina was just about to put Marcel's venom in Klaus. Luke looked over at hope and her eyes were wide, and she grabbed Luke's hand very tightly.

"Ow", Luke whispered very low. Hope glared at him, and then the twins looked at their family, and yelled, "No!".

Everyone turned to them shocked, and Hope yelled, "You promised to help but you are not helping. Your hurting us!!!".

"And we won't let you", finished Luke with a smirk. Hope and Luke brought their hands up that were not holding each other's and Luke felt the magic release him, and wind blew, while Davina disappeared.

The twins brought their hands down, and Luke whispered very low, "Told you they will be fine". Hope rolled her eyes, and Klaus slowing sat up and the twins ran to him, and hugged him.


After making it home, they first grabbed their bracelets, put it on, and they walked in the room where the bone was. Luke saw the man named Alaric. Klaus told them he was from Mystic falls.

"Our dad said you study this stuff", says Hope, to converse with the man

"That is very cool", adds Luke, looking at Alaric.

Alaric looked at the kids and informed, "Yeah, that is right there is a lot of amazing things in this world to study. And some of them are even things that don't want to hurt you.". Hope had stuff in her hands, and Alaric asked her, "And what do you have there?".

Hope was putting it on the table, so Luke informed, "These are for serenity".

"And this one is for stillness", informed Hope also, putting it on the table.

"They will keep the flowers on bloom", explained Hope.

Alaric asked us, "Now did you both teach yourself all that?".

"Well we did read about in one of our Aunt Freya's Spell books", explained Luke.

"She is helping us learn", says Hope.

"But some stuff I can figure out on my own," says Luke and Hope nodded excitedly.

"Well... that is all very impressive", replied Alaric.

"They both are impressive young kids", says Hayley, walking in with a plate of sweets.

"It is good meeting you, little Mikaelsons. I'll be seeing you around", says Alaric smiling at them and leaving. The twins turn around to their mom, and saw sweets on a plate.

"Those for us", says Luke, smiling, and Hope was also smiling.

"After what you two did today your dad compelled the entire Magnolia Candy shop", says Hayley. Luke smiled, and said, "Finally some payment after all our hardwork", and grabbing a sweet. Hayley playfully rolled her eyes, and Hope looked sad, and said, "Dad seemed sad".

"I think he wanted to be the one doing the helping today. But we both agreed on one thing, you both were very, very brave", explained Hayley.

"We just thought about what you would do", says Hope, and Luke nods.

"It's like you always say, if we stick together nothing can hurt us", says Luke, and the twins smiled.

"Always and Forever", says Hope. Hope and Luke kissed their two fingers and Hayley did the same, and we pressed our fingers together. The twins hugged Hayley.

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