3| Together Again

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Season 4 Episode 3 "Haunter of the Ruins"

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Season 4 Episode 3 "Haunter of the Ruins"

Being a twin to a morning owl is horrible for Luke. He was awoken by Hope shaking him awake. "Hope, what?", asked Luke annoyed and tired.

"Our Family is back. Come on, get up", replied Hope, very energetic this early in the morning.

Luke sighed and replied with annoyance, "Aren't they a thousand years old, they can wait a couple of minutes".

Hope got annoyed by her twin brother not getting up, so she pulled his arm. He was halfway off the bed and he said, "Fine, I am awake", as he accepts defeat and Hope smiled happily.

He was all dressed and ready for the day, when Hope turn to him and asked, "You ready?". Luke groaned out of exhaustion and walked out of the room and Hope followed behind.

"You both ready?", asked Hayley and Hope nodded excitedly, while Luke rolled his eyes, still being tired from waking up early.

"He is tired", says Hope, making an excuse for Luke's behavior. Hope grabbed Hayley's right hand and Luke grabbed Hayley's left hand, while they walked outside to hear yelling, "And I am not asking!!!".

"Hi", greeted Hope, very shyly and quiet, while behind her mom. Luke let go of his mom's hand and said, very confidently, "Hello".

"Hello", says Klaus, the guy that is their Dad. Luke looked at Hope, being nervous and his protective side showed up, and he looked up at Hayley, "Mom, can Hope and I go play in the garden?".

"Yeah, sure", replied Hayley as Luke grabbed ahold of Hope's hand and walked down the stairs.

"You woke me up to get cold feet", whispered Luke, still very annoyed about being woken up.

"Let it go, Luke", says Hope as she sat down at the table and Luke sat across from her. After a couple of minutes, Hope was very content in drawing, while Luke was looking around thinking about doing other things.

Luke exclaimed, "I am so bored", as he hung upside down in his chair.

"Luke, paint with me", says Hope. Luke sat back up, grabbed a piece of paper, and started painting the sky. Klaus walked up to his kids and stared at them for a while, and finally said, "That is lovely", to Hope's and Luke's painting.

Their Dad continued to focus his attention on his kids, and Hope said, "Mom said you like to paint too".

"I do, very much", says Klaus. Luke dipped his brush in black and continued to paint. Hope grabbed a paper and brush and gave it to her dad. He sat down and painted with them.

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