Start from the beginning

Though unable to understand which part he regretted-

Was it what he knew he had to do? Was he regretting revealing too much to her that would risk everything he had built for years?

Or was it much simpler?

Did he regret the fact that he had something to lose in exchange in the first place? Why did he feel obligated to tell her anything? Obligated to speak the truth?

He grabbed the notebook again, jaw clenching as he read the poem again, it was worse that these were his words. His poems she had written down.

That she had memorized them line for line.

[You have always had a weakness for innocence- but you must remember, light is always attracted to the darkness, and darkness will always consume it-]

He suddenly exhaled at this, head twisting quickly when he spotted a figure leaning against the library shelves, only a few feet away, hands in her pocket.

"Fuck, Raskei," he cursed, looking up at her with hard eyes at the startle she had given him.

She only smirked, the shelves that were around them shifting and becoming blurry and he let out a low sigh, until everything seemed back to normal, despite him knowing he was in a chamber.

"You didn't know I was here," she stated, eyes narrowing on him.

His jaw tightened but said nothing, getting to his feet, dusting off his coat, and glancing at the book before him.

He was tempted to open it again, but since he was in a chamber, in memory of Raskei, those pages would be empty as she had no clue what was in them.

It was only a figure in a chamber.

"You're getting rusty," Raskei continued, knowing that Harvest could spot a soul long before they ever showed themselves.

The remark caused him to slightly roll his eyes,

"Because-" Raskei dragged, "you're consumed by her."

His eyes snapped back at her at those words, his father's last words echoing after, playing in the chamber for just a second

Standing a foot away from him, by the wilting tree in the center of the forest as it drained to ash,  his body disappearing away with the ash as heavy eyes on him, a warning in his tone

[Consume it, before it consumes you.]

She raised an eyebrow at the memory flash, as it darted through the next moment, a Harvest was quick to conceal it. pausing abruptly unable to believe that he could be this out of control.

"Oh, you're definitely losing it," Raskei chuckled, surprisingly amused by a slip-up so great.

Harvest was built like armor, he was tactful and straight. There was no way, the Harvest of two months ago, would allow a memory slip up like this.

"Shut Up and Get out of my head," he growled, back turning away, running a hand through his hair for a second in frustration, his shoulders falling before slightly turning back to her, tucking his hands in his coat pocket.

"I'm just tired," he stressed.

"I see," she hummed, "and when you're read?" Raskei asked in amusement glancing down at the book.

Harvest scoffed at this, knowing she was messing with him, and yet somehow there was truth in that, as he glanced at the book, eyes staying there for a second

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