Conclusion: You are precious, priceless, and irreplaceable

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If you, or somebody you know, are suicidal, self-loathing, or otherwise self-destructive — it is not your burden to shoulder alone.

Stop.  Think.

We are not islands without interconnecting bridges.

And if there are no "bridges," then find you — or build you — a boat.  Or at least a raft.

Whatever the core issue is, it is not unique.  True.  The details of your situation and your struggle are unique.  You are also unique!

However, the core issue of each your problems — reduced to its fundamental components — is not unique.

Therefore, no matter how unstable, or complex, a situation is, it can be dealt with.  The thing is you don't have to face it alone.

Get backup.  Please.

True bravery is neither the absence of fear nor the presence of courage.  It is looking up one more time than you are knocked down — even if you lack the strength to stand back up.

True bravery is having hope when doing so feels illogical.  It involves asking for help when you need it.  It includes loving yourself when it seems that nobody else does.

True bravery is being honest with yourself in times of crisis — without letting your perceived truth paralyze you.  It is not pride, but a fiery spark that defies the oppressive darkness whilst warming the coldest hearth.

It is a mouse with the eye of the tiger.


Loving oneself is not the entire point.  After all, a sociopath can have a very high opinion of his or her own self.  What they may lack is true compassion.

"Love" is an action.  A hope.  A wish.  A generosity.  A state of mind.  A gift and a blessing to all parties involved — whether they accept it or not.

Pure Love demands neither reply nor restitution.  While a reciprocated kindness is always appreciated, Pure Love is its own restitution!

Against Pure Love, there is neither Law nor Condemnation.  Therefore, dare to Love yourself.  Against such Love, there is no defense, only excuses.

Listen carefully: your excuses are excused! :)

Reach out.  Connect.  You are no accident.  A nearly blind, former friend of mine had survived a brain tumor.  Even so, she was fond of saying:

"Has anybody told you today that you are precious, priceless, and irreplaceable?"

Remember: A mouse.

With the eye of the tiger.

Sincerely, Macbeth Raymondovich

7 November 2020

Edited 26 May 2021, 12/14/2023.

Reviewed 23 December 2023.

Reviewed 3/3/2022, 10/30/2023,

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