The 13th Tribe: Sermons for Frightened Angels

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[I address hard issues that children may need help navigating.  Parental guidance is suggested.]

Some people have observed that modern "Christianity" has problems.  One concerns mental health issues.  I've had usually positive experiences.  Yet, I am delaminating from my present congregation.  Given the particulars, what malfunctioned: just me?  My autism?  Or some larger issues?

I've been at odds with beloved churches before.  Yet am I the only common denominator?

Well, noise is a frequent issue.  In some churches (especially with sound systems) I've felt uncomfortable amounts of physical pain — while wearing hearing protection — plus being in another part of their building!  And I'm crazy?!  And there are children present?!

May I PLEASE be upset?  Am I talking to people — or are only angels listening?  Am I part of "the church?"  Or am I a prodigal monk from some unnamed, 13th tribe?

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