Dancing on the Razor's Edge: The Wolf in My Mirror

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Bad joke alert:

It's been opinioned that a gentleman is, am, & be "a patient wolf."  1) Woof.  Plus 2) Who said that I'm patient?  Because I'd like to bite them.


Part 0: My Personal Werewolf Story


"Does This Tail Make Me Look Fat?"

Bizarre question alert:

Ever remember having amnesia?  (I do.  Precision eludes me, but I was likely over 30.)

I was in temporary isolation in a small, white room.  The single, white door had a single window...

That was big enough for an obese Guinea pig to fly through...  If obese Guinea pigs could fly.

Hey!  They can barely waddle!  (I mean walk: no judgement.  People are Guinea pigs too, you know.)



I had ZERO identity.  I couldn't remember my own gender.  And I was actually content, perhaps happy.  There were people moving about in some big room.  That they had seemingly forgotten about me was unimportant.  I didn't understand who they were, their activities, or even why I was alone.

Yet, they were so...  Fascinating.  Seriously.  It was awesome!

After a while, I became mildly curious about myself.  I was an unsolvable enigma.

I remembered some interest in comic books (whatever those were).  There was this female werewolf character...  I remembered this vague, yet positive, emotional attachment to her.  Maybe I was her!  (This was NOT a delusion.  Trust me.  If this doesn't seem like "autism," maybe you're right.  One of my seizures, perhaps??)

Despite being obviously uncertain, this "werewolf" theory sufficed until my true identity gradually returned.

Stop.  If you're a fan of [redheaded, mutant superheroines*], then you may recognize the character!

[*Trademark issues.  You know how it is.]  [And I'm so not a redhead...  Except when my bald spot gets sunburned...]

It's perhaps curious that, during my ... literal ... identity crisis, that I identified as a "mutant."  But a werewolf?!  Spooky.  Like I said: not a delusion...

[Snicker, snicker!]  "Dude!!  You were a girl!!"

Sure...  Rub it in...

Secret Identity

Now you know one reason why I'm keen on developing my own superhero project.  Also, why I'm not defining "gender identity issues" lockstep with so many other people in the entertainment industries.

Their new buzzword: INCLUSION

Does their definition have ANY room to "include" people like me?!

Does mine?

Words.  To.  Ponder.  Eh?

Besides, what kind of person am I?  If I can't answer that, then why should anyone include me in anything?  So, I say this:

•  I am smart.  I am crazy.  And I am cuter than a BBB: baby baboon butt.

But I'm -sooo- NOT a werewolf!!  (Were-Chihuahua...  Maybe.)

Part 1: Looking Glass



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