Dogs I Have Known 2: Froofy, Reva, and Katrina

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A number of pets that I knew as a lad arrived at my family's property as strays.  This included at least 1 cat and 1 dog ... but no man-eating zebras, carnivorous kangaroos, or maniacal wildebeests.

Sorry to disappoint you.  But inebriated songbirds?  That's probable: berries and fruit can ferment.  (We had several fruit bearing trees: plums, crab apples, pie cherries, Bing cherries, and hawthorns — which actually have thorns.)


•  Can a body place a drunken sparrow under citizen's arrest for FUI: flying under the influence?

Unrelated Question:

•  Can a baked bean glutton be charged with FUI: farting under the influence?!  Please??

(Ahem.)  Froofy was a blonde bitch, and very much a lady.  That's correct.  Froofy and Clown had significantly different personalities.  Neither one was anything but a dog, though.

Froofy barely ever uttered a sound, so it was a real attention getter the few times that she barked.  And she never barked without just cause.  Even after we got rid of Clown, we kept Froofy.

How Froofy got her name was a curious matter.  Dad owned a number of vinyl records: music, comedy, old radio programs, and maybe a few other categories.  1 of his comedy records had on it a comedy routine by Bill Cosby.  (Yes, there was a time when Bill Cosby was a publicly respected actor and comedian.  His comedy routines were more family friendly than much of today's standup comedy routines.)  Well, the routine in question was about "Froofy the Dog."  1 day, after that routine was played on Dad's record player, Dad said "Froofy."

The dog immediately turned her head, and then she looked straight at Dad.  Since she had seemingly picked that name, it stuck.


Once upon a time, my parents A) belonged to a kennel club, and B) raised German shepherds.  I distinctly remember only 3 of those German shepherds: Pirate, Reva, and Katrina.  Of the 3, only Pirate was a male.  He seemed a good sort.  We sold him.  And I remember him once showing an interest in 1 of our cats, who didn't at all like the attention.  Other than that, I really don't remember him.

I do remember Mom saying that he was partial to women.  (Dogs can display a diverse set of preferences, and German shepherds tend to be pretty smart dogs.  There are reasons why some German shepherds are trained for military duties.)

We kept Reva and Katrina until the bitter end.  And it's hard for me to recall 2 more different German shepherds, either in appearance or personality.

Reva struck me as an overgrown puppy.  She was primarily black and tan.

Katrina was primarily black and gray or grayish.  Katrina, like Froofy, was very much a lady...

That is, until Katrina killed 1 of our cats.

While I describe both Froofy and Katrina as "ladies," they didn't have identical personalities.

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