Now, Let Us Reason Together

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Part #1


Upon editing this entire section [Part #1], I realized that I was scolding myself and my own hypocrisies.  My own voting and civics records are certainly not sterling at this juncture.  However, it's not too late for me to make desirable self-improvements!

To more carefully analyze my own, dark Lookingglass, read on.


We complain about politicians lying to us, and then we crucify them for telling us the truth.

For instance:

Suppose that we Americans are in a recession.  Everybody who really, really cares about such things either already knows or are willfully ignorant.

Then the President truthfully tells the American public that we are in a recession.

The stock market plummets because investors get antsy about what they should have already known.

The media, and Congress, therefore blame the President for the chaotic stock market and the worsening economy.  Why?  Because he (or eventually she) used "The R-word."

We, The American Public, obediently agree — even though We believe that We do so ... of Our own freewill.

Yeah.  Right.  And I'm crazy?

The takeaway:

If you value your political career, then only tell us, The American People, what We want to hear...

Whether it's is a happy-happy truth, or The Precise LIE that We DEMAND to be True.


Here is my problem:

*  How can the US Federal Government openly, and aggressively, tackle an economic issue if it must be paranoid about admitting that such issues even exist?

Instead, investors should say, "Finally!!  We knew that six weeks ago!!  Rally around, folks!!  Let's see some action!!"

But nooo: "Bad President!  Bad!"

Huh?!  Are we for real?!

Blaming politicians, the government, and "The Man" is America's national pastime.  And we Americans are addicted to it.

Tell me something, my fellow American pigeons.  When are We going to start blaming Ourselves for permitting "business as usual" to crash-and-burn Our country?

Apathy, like participation or protest, requires both a choice and a commitment.

And foxes eat apathetic pigeons.  "Woof." :)

[Uh.  Dude?  Do foxes even make that sound?]

Opinion #1:  The only thing more hated and despised in American politics than an ...honorable... politician is an ...honest... one.

Opinion #2: Any American politician who puts loyalty to their political party over their loyalty to the American people is at best guilty of malpractice, and at worst guilty of treason.

Opinion #3: This makes me sound like a judgmental jerk!  Wow!

The question then becomes this, "How do you tell people — point blank — what the problem is without becoming a blatant hypocrite?"  Even so, an open rebuke eclipses concealed admiration.

IF I ever run for President, THEN you are going to hate me.

And I am a Patriot who is unafraid of committing political hari-kari if that best serves my country.

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