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The car flew off of the bridge and fell in water making Dhruv immediately take off his seat belt and kick the door open as the car completely submerged under water. He looked at Theera who was struggling to take off her seatbelt but it was stuck.

Theera was suffocating as Dhruv tried to open the seat belt. She started feeling breathless and being in water made her panic. She pushed him away signalling him to swim to the shore but he stubbornly tried pulling the seat belt. She couldn't hold her breath and let go making him angry and punch the car wind shield in the water and cut the seat belt before holding her and swam to the shore.

He swam to the shore and pulled her towards the ground as she continuosly coughed making him take a deep breath and rub her back which made her threw up the water. She fell into a fit of coughs and pushed at his chest "Are you out of your fucking mind?

She coughed again and took deep breaths "Why wouldn't you go when I pushed you away?"

He fell on his back looking at the sky as she looked around to see green and green and endless green. She slowly stood up and walked into the water and washed the mud off her saree and slowly walked to the shore throwing her sandles away since the starp broke and she couldn't walk wearing them.


"Unload them carefully" Karthik instructed as the workers opened the truck doors and started moving the heavy material boxes. Suddenly Nik dashed into him "What happened?"

"Bo...boss....the..Theera... accident" Nik was panting.

"Accident? What are you trying to say?" Karthik asked.

"Our flew off of the bridge and fell in the water. The police called" Nik said.

"Shift the materials properly" Karthik ordered as they took another car and drove in the direction of the bridge.

After forty minutes they stopped at the bridge to see swimmers, a crane along with few people and the police. They got down and rushed towards the police officer "Did you find our boss?"

"You're..." The officer looked at the two guys before him.

"I'm Nik. The one you called and that's Karthik we work for Mr. Roy" Nik replied.

"Oh! Actually, we wouldn't have known that an accident happened if it wasn't for those kids who came here to play. Thankfully they informed us in time and we were able to reach here. But we couldn't find anyone except for the car" The officer informed.

"Are you saying boss and Theera drowned?" Nik asked.

"There were two members in the car?" The officer asked.

"Yes! Our boss Mr. Roy and the newly appointed manager Theera" Karthik replied.

"Did you inform her family?" The officer enquired.

"She's not close with her family" Nik answered.

"But it's better if you inform them beforehand just in case. We already sent the search party to the forest and surrounding villages but we didn't find any leads" The officer informed.


"I dreamed so much about being independent but now....I'm stuck in this forest" Theera huffed as she followed Dhruv which she was doing for almost few hours.

"Shut up!" Dhruv's words made her angry.

"Shut up? You have nice shoes but me...I'm walking bare foot and I can't even complain because you're irritated by my voice" Theera scoffed.

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