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After dinner everyone gathered outside the palace front doors for Dharani's bidayi. Dharani was already in tears since she misses her mom and dad. And now she has to leave her uncle and aunt who bought her up as their own child.

Vasu wiped Dharani's tears "Vikram is going to take care of you".

Dharani hugged her chinnamma as Shekar held Vikram's hand "Please take care of her".

"Uncle she'll be fine! I assure you" Vikram patted his father in law's hand.

"Alright! Akka! You'll be fine. It's not like we're not going to visit you at all. Come on! Give us your smile" Adi pinched Dharani's cheeks making her smile with tears rolling down her cheeks and hugged her little brother.

"Be careful Princess" Shekar hugged Dharani.

Dharani turned towards her group and walked towards Dhruv before hugging him making him hug her back caressing her hair "You're going to be okay! I'll make sure of it".

Dharani didn't understand what he meant but she nodded and walked towards Vikram and both of them got into their car waving goodbye as the car drove off of the palace grounds.

Later the guests and Singaraju family too went back to their mansion except Satiksha who insisted on staying back since she has works to do in the palace but the people close to her understood why she was staying back.

"We've to talk" Satiksha looked at Dhruv making Karthik and Nik walk back into the palace. Theera raised her eyebrows at them and walked back into the palace so she could sleep in peace without any nosy relatives and irritating guests disturbing her sleep.

"What is it?" Dhruv asked.

"Uh...I..." Dhruv's phone rang interrupting Satiksha "It's okay! I'll come later".

"I'll be in my office" Dhruv nodded and walked towards the garden to attend phone call.

'I'll tell you what is in my heart today' Satiksha smiled at Dhruv's back as he was talking to someone and turned around going back into the palace to change.


Theera showered and changed before walking towards the sitout area on the second floor to see Nik thinking about something seriously and walked towards him putting the iPad on the teapoy she sat beside him asking "Hey! You seem dull. What happened?"

Theera's words bought him out of his thoughts "Nothing!".

"There is something going on. You've been like this since the mehendi function" Karthik too joined them.

"I..nothing is wrong with me" Nik tried avoiding their questions.

Theera suddenly gasped closing her mouth with her palm making the guys look at her "Don't tell me that boss is really impotent" which made the guys laugh "There! Smile often Nik".

"He's not impotent girl" Nik shook his head.

"Yeah! Yeah! We can all see that with the way he's acting around Satiksha. Anyway! Goodnight" Theera walked out of the sitout area leaving Nik and Karthik who were laughing and decided to check up on Dhruv since they have a meeting with the contracters from another village tomorrow

She was walking towards the office room when a thunder struck and she heard some noise from inside the office room making her knock "Are you in there boss?"

She was walking towards the office room when a thunder struck and she heard some noise from inside the office room making her knock "Are you in there boss?"

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