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Theera was walking out of the elevator on the seventh floor holding a tray of milk glasses when she saw Subramanyam walking towards the elevator and nodded at him deciding not to bother him but his words stopped her "Did you really think you would become a Queen?"

Theera sighed turning around "Listen Mr. Subramanyam Singaraju! I will not bother you and you better not bother me otherwise you'll have to see my not so good side".

 Subramanyam Singaraju! I will not bother you and you better not bother me otherwise you'll have to see my not so good side"

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The lawyer widened his eyes "How dare you talk to Raju gaaru like tha-".

Theera clicked her tongue and moved her down up and down signing him to reduce the volume "I talked to him not you" before walking away.

Subramanyam narrowed his eyes ordering "I want each and every detail about her by tomorrow morning".

Theera sighed and opened the door to see Satiksha sitting on the setti in deep thoughts making her walk inside "Satiksha! I bought your favourite badam milk".

Satiksha glared at her and ignored her making her sit opposite her putting the tray on the teapoy "I know you're angry but it had to be done".

"Had to be done? You fucking got married Theera and didn't even think of atleast telling me, your friend" Satiksha shook her head.

"Had to be done? You fucking got married Theera and didn't even think of atleast telling me, your friend" Satiksha shook her head

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"Even I didn't know that I was getting married until boss took me to the temple after the day he proposed me. I swear! I did tell him that I would elope with him but I didn't actually expect him to plan it this early" Theera explained everything.

"Shagun was in the wedding but me... I thought we're close" Satiksha was disappointed.

"Boss and his two best friends swore to never miss each other's important days that's why shagun was there because she is Ritik's wife" Theera held Satiksha's hand.

Satiksha sighed "When did you know that Dhruv was a Singaraju?"

"After I was poisioned" Theera replied.

" guys kept your love life a secret" Satiksha nodded.

"I swear there are no more secrets because you are the coolest aunt my son needs" Theera indirectly told her about the baby.

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