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The next morning by the time Theera did her morning routine and came out of the bathroom there was a cover on the bed making her take out the clothes to see a saree and got ready into it.

Dhruv was talking to the manager when Theera came out to the living room in a saree making the manager part his lips looking at her. Dhruv frowned not hearing any reply and raised his head to see the manager looking at something behind him and turned around to see Theera pushing her hair behind her ear and stopped before him.

 Dhruv frowned not hearing any reply and raised his head to see the manager looking at something behind him and turned around to see Theera pushing her hair behind her ear and stopped before him

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"Shall we go?" Theera's question made him glare at the manager.

"Yeah! I was just handing over my work to the manager" Dhruv stood up making manager blink.

"Sir! How can I read all those reports?" The manager asked.

"Read them! And correct them, I want a perfect report by tomorrow" before the manager could utter a word Dhruv walked out holding Theera's hand.

Once in the car Theera pinched his cheek "Aww! My darling is so cute".

Dhruv squinted his eyes at her making her giggle "You're enjoying too much don't you think".

"Hmm! I've never seen you jealous that too for me. Let me enjoy my moment" Theera shrugged.

"I was always jealous of how close you were with Nik and Karthik" Dhruv confessed.

Theera widened her eyes "What? But I never saw you jealous".

"Why do you think I never called you or treated you as a girl?" Dhruv looked at her.

Theera narrowed her eyes "Why?"

Dhruv sighed at her tubelight brain "Because I didn't want them to grow feelings towards you".

Theera pressed her lips to control her laugh "Oh my god! Is that the reason you always showed your attitude towards me because...you thought they were going to fall for me" and laughed out loud holding her stomach

"What do I do then? You are beautiful actually more than beautiful. You help others. You protect those who are close to you. In fact take me for example, although I treat you harshly and show attitude, you stand like a shield before me protecting me from others. Isn't that enough for anyone to fall in love with you" Dhurv stopped the car at the temple parking lot.

Theera blinked her eyes at his words "Can...can you repeat those words again? I really want to record them! Please!".

Dhruv rolled his eyes "Get down" and got down himself followed by her.

She hurriedly got down and held his arm "What happened? I just wanted to hear you talking positively about me".

"Even now you are taking my words as a joke. You don't even express your feelings out" Dhruv walked forward making her pout and silently follow him.

They left their footwear in the car before washing their feet and hands and went inside the temple. The Kerala's and South Indian famous and richest Padmanabha Swami temple is surely a masterpiece with its architecture and the god inside. They prayed and took prasaadam before walking out an hour after darshanam.

After darshanam Dhruv drove for two hours before stopping at an old Kerala style house where a lot of people and poojaris roamed in and out "Is this the Swamiji's house?"

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After darshanam Dhruv drove for two hours before stopping at an old Kerala style house where a lot of people and poojaris roamed in and out "Is this the Swamiji's house?"

"Let's meet him and end this for once and all" saying Dhruv got out followed by her and walked inside.

"So...when did you start believing in all this?" Theera asked as they left their footwear outside the house and washed their feet and hands before going inside.

"When Tripura possessessed you" Dhruv replied as they walked to a man talking to a group "Excuse me! We're here to meet Mr. Nambudri".

"Swami is in pooja. Please wait for a few minutes" The man in his fifties directed them towards the couch.

"So...you came here for my sake?" Theera sat down followed by him.

"I told you already that I won't survive if you leave" Dhruv looked at her.

"Technically! I won't leave you. It's just she'll replace my soul with hers" Theera logically spoke.

Dhruv motioned to her body "This is a vessel! I need what's inside this" and pointed to her heart.

"Do you love me that much?" Theera asked.

"So you named what's between us then?" Dhruv asked.

Theera shook her head "No!"and faced forward to take tea handed by one of the workers.

After drinking tea they waited for few more minutes and then the man in his fifties directed them towards an office room. And there a man in his eighties sat down in a rangoli before the godess Durga idol.

"Swami!" The man in his fifties called making the man open his eyes and look at the couple.

"Did you think your mother's pendent is enough to protect her?" Swamiji asked.

Theera held the pendent as Dhruv replied "It isn't enough that's why we're here".

"The sins she did in her past is unforgivable and yet she's reborn and married you. I've never seen such uniquely fated people in my life till now" Swamiji looked at Theera as if she's an alien.

"Please go inside and show your hand to swamiji" The man in his fifties looked at Theera.

Theera frowned but walked inside the rangoli and sat down on the stool forwarding her hand making Swamiji hold it assessing the lines in her palm "Your love and obsession for him made you take another birth but you'll be killed in his arms".

"That's never going to happen" Dhruv stated strongly.

Swamiji laughed "Did you forget the vow you made before you died in your past life? Names may have changed but revenge and hatred can never be changed".

"If I really hated her and reborn again for revenge then why did I marry her? It is against our fates isn't it?" Dhruv questioned.

"That is where her fate comes in play. Her love and strong will bent your revenge and turned your hatred into love but her dying is inevitable" Swamiji stated the facts.

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