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The next morning when Dhruv woke up he was on the floor of the office room covered in a blanket and a pillow under his head. He closed his eyes as he sat up groaning since his body is aching which is an after effect of the rainy days and nights.

Dhruv opened his eyes as he recalled what happened last night and got up going to his room to get ready. He came downstairs with a MacBook after getting ready since he has to meet a contractor in the other village to appoint more workers in the palace.

 He came downstairs with a MacBook after getting ready since he has to meet a contractor in the other village to appoint more workers in the palace

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"Morning boss! Satiksha came to meet you last night. Where did you go?" Karthik asked.

"I needed some space" Dhruv thought back to last night.

"Let's have breakfast! We've to meet the contractors too" Karthik was about to walk towards the dining room but stopped hearing Nik.

"Woah! Why are you looking like a girl today?" Nik's words made them turn around to see Theera getting down the stairs in a pink saree.

"Theera! Is that really you? You look so beautiful in a saree" Karthik complimented.

"Theera! Is that really you? You look so beautiful in a saree" Karthik complimented

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"Thank you!" Theera smiled as Maniamma bought the aarati from the pooja room.

Dhruv rolled his eyes "Why are you over reacting? It's not the first time she's wearing a saree".

"Yeah! But she was in a hurry before but if you look at her now, She looks like a devakanya(angel)" Nik eyes turned dreamy making Theera chuckle.

"Happy birthday! Theera madam" Maniamma showed aarati to Theera.

"Thank you Maniamma" Theera took the aarati along with others.

"I cooked your favourite breakfast today Theera madam" Maniamma served dosa with paalathalikalu (it's a famous sweet in Andhra & Telangana).

"Aww! So sweet of you Maniamma" Theera grinned at the breakfast and had it moaning at the taste.

"Why didn't you tell us it was your birthday?" Karthik asked.

"You never asked" Theera shrugged.

"And how did Maniamma know it was your birthday?" Nik looked at Maniamma.

"Yesterday, Satiksha mam was talking about it and I heard it sir" Maniamma served upma to Dhruv who silently ate without a word.


"I've already contacted the contractors and asked them to gather at the panchyat" Karthik said.

"How many are there?" Dhruv asked.

"For now four of them and at least fifteen workers work under them" Karthik said as Nik stopped the car at the godown.

"I and Karthik are going to shift some materials to the palace for Satiksha so you've to go alone to meet the contractors boss" Nik said.

"Why would he go alone? Theera is going to accompany him and negotiate the contracts" Karthik looked at Theera who nodded.

"Theera? Umm...why don't you stay back and I'll go with boss" Nik looked at Theera.

"If that's what you want" Theera shrugged.

"What? No! I need your help here to run errands. Theera accompany the boss" Karthik got down followed by the trio.

Dhruv sat in the driver's seat and Theera in the passenger seat making Karthik look through the passenger window "I emailed you the details take care" making Theera nod as Dhruv started the ignition.

Once in the drive Dhruv didn't say anything as usual but Theera has so many questions. She couldn't down the curiosity and looked at him "What happened last night?"

"I was in pain" Dhruv normally said.

"You were in pain? God damn it! You looked like you were going to die" Theera raised her voice.

"You better watch your language Ms. Chowdary. Don't forget I'm still the one who's in charge of your paycheck" Dhruv warned.

Theera scoffed "Fuck your paycheck! You scared the hell out of me. Does it always happen when it rains? How long have you been suffering like that? Did you consult a doctor? Or tell anyone about it? Like your uncle or Karthik?"

Dhruv sighed concluding that he can't avoid her questions anymore "It's been happening since forever. As long as I can remember. My uncle was concerned and we consulted a doctor but he said that it was a psychological pain".

"Psychological pain? As in a trauma or PTSD?" Theera asked.

"Well! You're not that useless. You know something at least" Dhruv nodded making her grit her teeth and hit his arm.

"Did you just hit your boss?" Dhruv looked at her seriously.

"You should be glad that I only hit you. For what I went through last night I would've killed you" Theera huffed looking out of the window glass.

"I don't understand why you are this worried" Dhruv shook his head.

"Ofcourse I would be worried! You're the one who's in charge of my paycheck. What if something happens to you?" Theera asked.

"All you're worried about is paycheck. As expected of you" Dhruv's lips twitched slightly.

After a few seconds of silence Theera asked again "Do you remember the trauma you went through?"

"As far as I can remember there's no such incidents in my life" Dhruv honked the horn making her look forward to see the truck coming in their direction.

"Is it me or is that truck coming towards us in particular?" Theera asked.

"Hold on!" Dhruv shifted gears and drove sraight in the direction of the truck and when the truck was about to hit them he took a rough turn making the side of the car scratch the truck and fly off of the bridge and fall into the water.

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