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The next day Theera woke up earlier than usual and got ready into a little more elegant dress and went downstairs to do pooja. By the time she completed pooja the guys came down for breakfast and took aarati before they sat down for breakfast.

"Are you fasting?" Karthik asked.

"Why?" Theera asked.

"I mean the girls said you'd get a husband if you fast and all" Karthik shrugged.

Theera rolled her eyes "If that was really true then all the people who would do intermediate fasting would get a nice husband too".

"True! And she's already weak from the poision affect there is no need for all that" Nik nodded.

"Drop me at the mansion. I'll stay for a few hours and have nice food and return" Theera said.

After forty minutes the car stopped before the mansion's front doors making Theera get down and bid them bye before going in to see the living room completely decorated in orange and yellow marigold flowers with a green carpet on the floor where f...

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After forty minutes the car stopped before the mansion's front doors making Theera get down and bid them bye before going in to see the living room completely decorated in orange and yellow marigold flowers with a green carpet on the floor where few of the guests were sitting.

"You are..." One of the guests trailed off.

"Aunty! She's my friend Theera" Satiksha introduced.

"Are you married?" One of the aunties asked making Theera shake her head.

"Oh! Give me your parents number I know a lot of unmarried guys" Another aunty said.

Theera smugly smiled at them "I can't because I don't know which phones heaven uses" making Satiksha snort and pulled Theera away before she could start a quarrel.

"Girl! Seriously you should've seen that aunty's face" Satiksha laughed.

"Hey! Theera! Sit with us" Dharani called her to the front row as the poojari gaaru started the pooja

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"Hey! Theera! Sit with us" Dharani called her to the front row as the poojari gaaru started the pooja.

"You do pooja and eat that's all?" Theera asked.

"No! We fast and do pooja then take our husband's blessings and we eat" Dharani explained.

"Why do you do it when you got a good husband already?" Theera shook her head.

"For our husband's long life" One of aunties spoke.

"Then shouldn't men also do this for their wives long life" Theera raised a question making everyone look at each other.

"That's not how our culture is. The men earn and fulfill the house needs and women will take care of the family in return" Another aunty spoke.

"I think you're living in the eighteenth century aunty. Women go out and earn too" Theera reminded her.

"Yes! They do which is a good thing but she comes home and still takes care of the family"another aunty said

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"Yes! They do which is a good thing but she comes home and still takes care of the family"another aunty said.

After the pooja is done everyone took the blessings of the goddess Lakshmi Devi and then Vasu and Dharani gave thambulam to every woman present there. After that they took their husbands blessings and walked in the direction of the lunch.

As Theera was going an aunty stopped her "You're unmarried right first pray to the goddess then break the fast".

"I already prayed to the goddess and I didn't fast so I can go for lunch right" Theera said.

"What you didn't fast?" All the women looked at her like she's an alien.

"Why should I?" Theera asked.

"To get a good husband" One of the aunties said.

"Good husband? What's a good husband in your point of view aunty?" Theera questioned her.

"A good husband takes care of you, never cheats on you and always attends to your needs" the aunt replied.

"I can do all those on my own too with the money I earn" Theera retorted "And this good husband thing is not at all real. Although a person seems like a good one from the outside we do not know what he truly is or what he does without us knowing so I don't believe in that concept".

"So are you saying our traditions and culture is wrong?" Poojari gaaru asked.

"NO! Our Indian culture and traditions are respected world wide and I respect them too but times changed poojari gaaru not every man and woman is good. The thing is we all wear fake faces with all the people around us except for those who are close to us so from now on we should pray to the goddess that 'Hey Devi! Please give me a realistic husband who doesn't act fake with me' not some so-called imaginary good husband" Theera explained.

"These new generation girls we can never understand us" The ladies shook their heads and walked away making Theera scoff.

"They wouldn't understand girl let's go and have lunch" Satiksha patted Theera's back and directed her towards the lunch area.

As Theera was walking towards the lunch area along with Satiksha she almost bumped into a worker "I'm sorry!".

"It's okay madam!" saying the worker walked away.

After a few seconds Theera stopped and turned around to see the worker walking upstairs and frowned as Satiksha asked "What happened?"

"Umm...I'll just come! I need to use the restroom" saying Theera walked away even before Satiksha could respond.

Theera followed the worker upstairs without him noticing her and he went to the third floor of the mansion and into a room. She heard the door open and hid herself behind a pillar and after the coast is clear she went into the same room the worker went and closed the door behind her.

She saw it was an office room and saw a family picture of the Singarajus. She started searching around and found a drawer locked and tried pulling it out but it didn't work. She heard the door opening sound and hid behind the long curtains of the windows as Vasu walked inside "Did you find it?"

"Yes! Madam" She heard the same workers voice.

"Now we'll open this book and erase everything" Vasu opened the locked drawer and put two keys inside before locking it.

"The poision attack was a fail madam" The worker said.

"He must've had a little more time in this world. But since the registration is not done we will let him live" Vasu walked out followed by the worker.

Theera came out from behind the curtains and scanned the key hole in her phone and silently walked out without anyone noticing her before silently joining the others at the lunch.

"What took you so long?" Satiksha asked.

"Uhh...I couldn't find a restroom" Theera smoothly lied and had lunch with the others.

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