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Once home Theera sat in the living room waiting for the guys to freshen up and meet her downstairs eagerly to boast about her adventure today.

"How late are you guys...come here and sit...I've something to tell you..." Theera eagerly said.

The trio sat on the couches looking at her as she stood up and cleared her throat "Today! I did a great favour to you all"

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The trio sat on the couches looking at her as she stood up and cleared her throat "Today! I did a great favour to you all".

"What favour is it?" Karthik asked.

"I found that it was Vasundhara Singaraju who sent the masked man to steal the book" Theera replied.

"I'm sure her husband was also involved but how did you find it was her?" Dhruv asked.

Then Theera started her adventure "As I was going to lunch after the pooja I bumped into a mansion worker and that guy had the same scar on his brow like that masked man so I followed him and he went to the office so I thought since you told that Dharani's aunt and uncle are trying to kill you I thought I might as well search for something against them.."

Dhruv interrupted her "Alone?"

She clicked her tongue "We've to do such things alone only not take an entire Kingdom if you're going to spy" shaking her head she continued "So...I started searching around and then suddenly the door handle started to move so I used my brain and hid behind the curtain and saw Vasundhara come in with the worker. She was talking about the locks and then she talked about erasing something and opened the drawer and there was the book that was stolen from

"Why does she want to erase?" Nik asked.

"Who knows there might be something in the book that would threaten her" Theera shrugged.

"So...did you bring it back?" Karthik asked.

"No! She locked the drawer. But...." She took out her phone and opened the saved picture "I scanned the key hole to make the duplicate key" and raised her eyebrows impressed at herself.

"Wow!" Dhruv clapped making her grin and patted herself on her shoulder but soon her smiled dimmed as Dhruv continued "Can anyone tell this idiot that it's the key that must be scanned to make a duplicate key not a key hole".

Theera looked at Karthik for confirmation making him nod "It's true Theera! You need to scan the key".

Nik laughed at her as she collapsed onto the couch while Dhruv shook his head "Who gave you a business degree? I really need to see that guy".

Theera gritted her teeth and yelled at Nik "Shut up!".

Nik cleared his throat and tried encouraging her "It's okay Theera! Don't feel bad. At least you know where the book is and how to bring it back right" making her nod.

"But first ask Vijay to erase the CCTV footage at the mansion" Dhruv ordered making Karthik nod.

Theera pouted in disappointment "So all that spying was of no use".

Dhruv sighed as Nik handed her the water "It's okay it happens".

"It's not useless at least now we know where the book is and we just have to bring it home" Dhruv reasoned.

Theera sat up straight as if she found a life goal "Leave that to me! This time I'll bring the copy of the key and then the book" making the guys chuckle.

As they were having dinner suddenly Madan ran into the dining room screaming "Baabu gaaru.... Baabu gaaru".

Everyone stood up looking at Madan who panting for breath "What happened?"

"Princess..... princess....." Madan panted.

Dhruv walked towards Madan and held his shoulders "Princess what?"

"Princess and her husband met with an accident. Everyone in the village was talking about it" Madan finally put the words out making Dhruv call someone and rushed out with the trio following him behind.

After one hour they reached the hospital and the media was already waiting infront of the hospital entrance blocking the way for others. Seeing Dhruv the bodyguard of the princess, Karim escorted them inside as the journalists tried to interview Roy group of Industries CEO Dhruvansh Roy.

After reaching the first floor they went to VIP rooms to see bodyguards and Vikram's family waiting making Dhruv rush to them "How is Dhara?"

"She's undergoing a surgery" Mohan replied.

"What about Vikram?" Dhruv looked around.

"He's getting treated. He didn't have much injuries" Kalyani wiped her tears.

Shekar came out of the ER and screamed "What are you doing here? I warned you not to involve in our family matters and took our Princess into that cursed palace and she's in there suffering" and was about to hold Dhruv's collar but Karim blocked him.

"We're in hospital" Karim reminded Shekar making him huff and move back.

The doctors came out of the OT taking off their masks "The princess is fine! But it'll take time for anaesthesia to wear off".

"What did you do surgery for?" Dhruv questioned.

"Her right hand had glass pieces in them so we had to pick them out so there would be no nerve damage and she had first degree concussion but with rest she'll get well soon" Dr. Valli replied making everyone sigh.

"Can we see her?" Adi asked making the doctors nod.

Everyone rushed inside once Dhara was shifted from OT to the VIP room and saw her right hand completely bandaged along  with her head and wires attached to her right hand. Vasu cried and held Dhara's free hand "Dhara.....I told you not to go near that palace and now look what happened".

Theera, Karthik and Nik glared at Vasu who was faking everything so well as she accused their boss indirectly.

"Stop talking about that palace vadina(sister in law)! Let's just be thankful that our kids are fine" Kalyani patted Vasu's back.

"It's all his fault! If he hadn't come here to purchase that stupid palace, Dhara wouldn't have stepped into that cursed place and this accident wouldn't have happened" Shekar blamed Dhruv.

"Excuse me! You're taking it too far Mr & Mrs. Shekar. You're saying as if our boss has driven that stupid truck" Theera glared at them.

"Who knows? Maybe he was behind it" Vasu accused.

"Ay! Watch your mouth" Theera raised her voice making everyone widen their eyes at her disrespectful words towards the royals.

"How dare you disrespect me? Do you know who I am?" Vasu boasted about herself.

"I don't care who you are! But if you disrespect my boss without any evidence, you wouldn't want to face what I become" Theera warned.

"You better control your dog Dhruv" Shekar gritted out.

Dhruv roared pointing a finger at Shekar "Shut your damn mouth!" making everyone take a step back in fear.

"You..." Vasu tried to speak more.

"Next time you try to talk, your tongue will be on the ground" Dhruv warned startling everyone "I'm going to take Dhara home".

"What? No! She needs care and treatment" Kalyani started objecting.

"The hospital will come to the palace for her but she's not staying here. Who knows they might attack again"  Dhruv said.

"Bu-" Mohan was about to object when the doors to the VIP room opened and Satiksha walked in.

"Vikram wants Dhruv to shift Dhara back to the palace" Satiksha informed leaving everyone confused.

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