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"Here!" Dharani handed Dhruv a drink making him frown and look at her glass "It's not alcohol Annayya"

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"Here!" Dharani handed Dhruv a drink making him frown and look at her glass "It's not alcohol Annayya".

"I wouldn't mind if it is since you're a grown up. But you need to have some limits on how much you should drink Dhara" Dhruv took the glass from her and took a sip of his drink.

"If I really have my own brother he wouldn't mind like you" Dharani laughed as she drank her champagne.

"You called me your Annayya" Dhruv pointed out making her nod.

"Yeah! And now he's trying to control you" Adi stood on the other side of Dhruv and bought the glass to his lips.

Dhruv pulled the glass from Adi "You're still eighteen" and drank it placing the empty glass on the tray the waiter was carrying.

"You're her god given Annayya! Not mine" Adi scoffed.

"If he's annaya to me then he's to you too automatically Dumbo" Dharani rolled her eyes.

Suddenly the party turned silent except for the music making the trio frown and follow everyone's gaze to see Satiksha walking into the party in a short white dress as Nik, Vikram and Karthik joined the trio with their own drinks.

"She looks like a modern day angel" Karthik complimented.

"And there comes the devil" Nik pointed out as Theera joined Satiksha and both of them walked towards the group

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"And there comes the devil" Nik pointed out as Theera joined Satiksha and both of them walked towards the group.

"And there comes the devil" Nik pointed out as Theera joined Satiksha and both of them walked towards the group

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