29: Unexpected arrival

Start from the beginning

"Mecha!404? What happened?" He asked as I tought back.

"Well, that thing was sent flying through the hole in the ceiling and was about to hit me, but you took the hit instead and it shattered on contact with your head." I explained as he stared in shock.

"B-But, for it to be this advanced already. No. They're getting close to Mecha!404 V.09......... Overdrive." He said as I stared at him in shock. For him to be this worried over some robot.

"What's Overdrive?" I asked as he looked at me terrified. I haven't see him like this since Quantum.

"O-Overdrive...... If they manage to create him, only the top beings at the Citadel whould manage to stop him. Even Prism whould have to get involved....." He explained as I stared at him surprised.

He got up and created a Wormhole as he looked back at me.

"I'll be right back. I just need to visit Abyss' team real quick. It's not gonna take long, don't worry." He said as I nodded, looking at him jump into the Wormhole.

I hope he's gonna be alright.


As I stepped out of the portal, I found myself directly in Abyss' base. In front of me stood the trio that created that abomination. Abyss!Sans, Mecha!Sans and Code!Gaster.

"Abyss....." I said with venom in my voice as they all flinched.

"C-C-Creator. W-What brings you h-here?" Asked Abyss as the other two stared at me in shock.

"Mecha!404." I simply said as they stood there frosen in place. I shot a God Ray for each of them. Just for good measure.

"Now, we need to have a good talk, right?" I asked as I let them nod, obediently.

"Look, I know you want to take William down, but this has to stop. If you reach V.09 it's over for us. For everyone. You're gonna create an abomination known as Overdrive." I explained as they flinched and Mecha muttered someting.

"W-What? How powerful could that version be for you to give us such a reaction." Asked Mecha as I sighed.

"You now know about the Citadel, right. Well that monster is gonna be their main enemy. That's how much power it'll accumulate." I explained as I dragged them closer to me with Creator's Mastery.

"So, let's get one thing straight. I can be merciful, but if you continue doing this. I'll torture your brothers to death right infront of you, again and again, until I feel satisfied." I said, glaring at the two Sanses.

"As for you..... I'll revive your son and do the same." I said, turning to Code!Gaster as he began to glitch from terror.

"DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND?" I asked as they quickly nodded.

"Good." I said, turning Creator's Mastery off and letting them breath as I made a Wormhole.

"Don't forget our discussion here." I said as I recreated Code!Gaster's Sans before stepping into the Wormhole, leaving the trio kneeing on the ground, terrified, still not noticing the recently recreated entity.

As I got back to StoryShift #532, I noticed Chara standing near a tree, eating a bar of chocolate, so I walked towards her.

"Back so soon?" She asked as I nodded and held out a hand.

"Yup, problem solved. Now, let's go." I said as she took my hand and we headed towards Waterfall.

I looked up, noticing the hole in the ceiling was still there, so I snapped my fingers and repaired it, along with all the other damage Malware and Mecha!404 had done during their fight. Oh, that's right. Malware.

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