Chapter 26--Revenge

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Taesan was still crying and thinking about Misha.. And now, he likes her too..after hearing that she is a good person who was just lost cuz she had no one.. Right that moment, he could sense something...

Taesan:Guys--I can sense something--

Y/n:What did you sense this time, Taesan??

Niki:Oh no--This is bad--

Heeseung:Will you stop reading people's mind for a minute, Niki, you brat??

Taehyun:Yah--Heeseung!! Don't yell at him!!

Beomgyu:You should calm down, Heeseung!! But, what did Taesan sense??

Taesan:Tanha's boyfriends are coming here!!

Taehyun:Ehh?? What do you mean?? Boyfriends?? I mean, more than one??

Taesan:They are all werewolves...And not just werewolves.. Giant werewolves.. Around a height of 2 metre..

Taehyun:2 metre? They are hella tall..

Beomgyu:How many werewolves are coming??

Taesan:18 werewolves..

Minho:Ayy--This Tanha was a slut.. she has 18 boyfriends..

Taesan:I exposed her 16th boyfriend in front of her 18 boyfriend.. They both had a serious fight.. They are hella strong.. Imagine a werewolves of 2 metre tall..

Felix:Naur way~~~What are we gonna do now??

Yeonjun:It's simple.. I will throw everyone from Heeseung's rooftop..

Heeseung:I will beat this Sheriff for real!!

Y/n:Heedeungiee--Calm down!!

Taesan:Alright--I am going to search Tanha.. She deserves a bad , painful death. And yeah, Niki!!

Niki:Yes.. Say.. Okayy--I understand.. Give me that bag.. I will just go and come back after keeping it in your room..

Taesan:I knew it that you would read my mind.. Okay--I can sense her waves.. I can going to kill her now.. And , everyone, stay guarded ..

Taehyun:I am coming along then-

Taesan:Okay--lets go.. (Left*)

Minho:Yahh--what are we going to do now??

Felix:The 800 pythons are still coming here.. And now the 18 beastly werewolves are coming too..

Beomgyu:We will fight--If needed, then we will sacrifice our life like Misha did... We will do it for that innocent girl..

Y/n:Yahh--Beomgyu--You are so sweet..

Beomgyu:I know it..

Heeseung:Then, guys listen.. Change of plan.. You guys will stay here and wait till the werewolves come.. And I will go and kill the chief..

Niki:As you say hyung!! I would go with you if those werewolves won't come here..

Heeseung :Yah--Coffee cake--I am going--Take care..

Y/n:You two, Heedeungiee--Come back safely..

Heeseung pecked on my forehead and then he left from there.. I watched him going... Then, Beomgyu spoke

Beomgyu:As 18 giant werewolves are coming.. We need more guns silver ammos

Yeonjun:I will go and come with guns.. I have them in the Sheriff's office..

Niki:Don't take trouble... It will take a minute..

Niki just teleported in a minute and came back with handful of guns.. This guy knows to use his abilities very well ..

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