Chapter 8--The sunset we saw together

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Taehee got up and got super shocked to see the person..She never expected that person to be here at least to attack on them...

Taehee:Yoon Misha??You????What the hell are you doing here??

Misha:To kill the last hybrid existing in the whole world---We have been killing hybrids since a long time..And,it is the day when all there will no hybrids in the whole world..

Taehee:If I let you kill him--

Misha:So,you are gonna stop me---

Taehee:How the hell you could do---You know that hybrids can heal a blessed cursed child when they are injured..And a blessed cursed child gives strength to hybrid--That's how a hybrid and  blessed cursed child are made for each other..And,being a blessed cursed child--you are trying to destroy the whole hybrid clan..

Misha:Cuz,that's part of our mission which we need to make successful--Taehee,come and join us..I know that you and Taesan are pure blessed cursed child--But,you may join to bring glory to our clan--

Taehee:If,you think that we will join--then let me say--You are totally wrong--I will fight against you till my last breath just to defend him--

Misha:But,looking at the last hybrid,he doesnt seem okay to walk even--Wait,he looks like Taesan--WTF---OMG--

Taehee looked at Sunghoon who couldn't even stand up properly--He was trembling here and there..He somehow managed to hold Taehee's hand---At least,he didnt faint after drinking 7 bottles alcohol..

Sunghoon:Taehee--Tell this potato to shut up--I am getting headache after she came--

Taehee:Sunghoon--yahh!!Wake up---Run away from here--

Misha: Good---It would be more easy for me  to kill him as he is drunk--

Sunghoon:Yah--I am feeling so tired today---Come to kill me tomorrow---Okay??

Misha: Sh*t--The boy is extremely drunk--There is no fun to kill him like this and you---Next time,make sure that he doesnt drink--But,if I let him to breathe for the next movement--

Saying that,she ran toward us holding fire on her hands..Then,Taehee also got ready to defend her and then someone teleported in front of her and hit Misha with a sword--Taehee expected that person to be here and it was none but his twin brother,Taesan

Taehee:Damn--Taesan--You are late--

Taesan:I am not late--I came here as soon I sensed something wrong and danger here---

Taehee:Your sensing power got reduced day by day--Make sure practise it staying around that Mr Rover--That guy who won and saved my life--is danger!!He has anger issues and can beat anyone anytime..Ask that librarian who took you to the hospital named Chamber 5.He is experienced with Mr Rover's anger issues  since 2 years.

Taesan:That guy punched me so hard--My nose almost broke--But.the girl name Taewon fixed my nose and it almost healed..

Taehee:Stay guarded from the next time or else,he will break your face next time.

Taesan:Are you serious--No one is fast like me--

Misha:Taesan---How could you hit me like this??

Misha said this getting up while regenerating her wounds that she got from Taesan's sword..And Taesan gave her a disgusted look--

Taesan:Why are you here??

Misha:To kill the last hybrid and to take you as my groom-


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