Chapter 9--Not the suffocation again

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Later,we saw the sunset, we walked back to the bakery from the sea side..Seriously,I had fun with Heeseung this evening..I wanna come here again...Hearing this,Heeseung officially decided to meet me at the sea beach everyday--On the way,Heeseung saw a chocolate shop and got me some or a lot of chocolates as he knew that I love sweets so much---I know,he shows anger a lot to everyone but he got a soft spot for me--We saw the new house was ready which was recently made in our neighbour--

Heeseung:Woah--Y/n--Look--The house under construction is built up finally--

Y/n:Yeah--No wonder- who is gonna stay here--

Heeseung:I need to find a job too-I need to get ready a house like this--

Y/n:Yeah--my mom prefer your icestone more than you--

Heeseung:But,your dad prefer the famous Mr Rover more than that icestone--

Y/n:Yah--you are maybe Mr Rover for everyone..But,for me,you are my Heedeungiee--

Later,we went back to the bakery..Heeseung said that he wanna bake some deserts with me..He wanna help me for tomorrow's party--

Y/n:Really--You want to help me??

Heeseung:Yeah--My coffee cake will do all these stuffs lonely--I want to help you--

Y/n:But--Sunghoon is my assistant who is currently taking a break as he was drunk and got a bad headache--

Heeseung:Ahhh--Y/n--You are such a mood killer--You didn't have to mention that icestone--

Y/n:I know you don't like him..But,he is my childhood bestfriend---We grew up pulling each other's hair and bickering among us..

Heeseung: I know that--But now,that icestone is taking rest--So, I am gonna help you with tomorrow's huge order..Making desert for the whole village for the party at Kang's residence.I am with you,Y/n--Lets do this together.

Y/n:Awwww---Heedeungiee--You are the best!!

Heeseung:Okay---Let's make cake but in a different style--

Y/n:Umm--you mean a different shape--

Heeseung:Yeah--How about it look like a star??

Y/n:It would be amazing .

Heeseung:Yeah--let's make it--

Y/n:Let's do it--But,we dont have chocolates right now--But,you got me chocolates..few moments ago--So,we will use that--

Heeseung:Wait---if you need chocolates for cake--Imma buy more--Why will use the chocolates for cake??I bought the chocolates for you,not for the cake--

Y/n:But--I do--

Heeseung suddenly got dissappeared and left me speechless.Within half a minute,he returned back with a bag full of chocolates..Well,I almost forget that my boyfriend is a vampire.

Heeseung:Um-sorry--The chocolates you always use were over..So,I found these imported chocolates from Switzerland..So,I bought this..

Y/n:Heedeungie--You didn't have to take much trouble--

Heeseung:It is nothing--How could you say that this was trouble??

Y/n:But--we cou--

Heeseung:Anything for you,coffee cake!!

Y/n:Aww--let's make the best cake of the 17th century--Oh--yeah---Make sure you wash your hands,wear gloves and apron ..


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