Chapter 14--Dressed in black

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I screamed seeing Heeseung fainted like this.I saw blood was all over his body--Ahh--not him--The python is literally killing everyone--Andwaee-Not my Heedeungiee--I rushed toward him and tried to wake him up--

Y/n:Heedeungiee---Wake up--At least,dont leave me----Did he bleed like this??

Taesan:He killed the python and the blood got over him and accidently-he got slightly bitten too-

Y/n:Oh no--Heedeungie--Ahh--Plz--not him--

Niki:Noona calm down---We need hyung to get treatment as soon as possible..The poison is slowly spreading in Heeseung hyung's body.As,he is a vampire,his immunity is different from humans..He can be saved..

Taewon:Yahh--Make him lie on the bed and all of you have you leave--We need to inspect his whole body to detect the poison's exact loaction as it started spreading from his hand--

Rimin:Yah--dont tell me that we need to take off his-

Sunghoon:💀💀--Hell no way---Leave from here--

Taehee:Yes--we non-humans will stay here--

Sunghoon:Yahh--girls will leave from the room,including you Ms Strawberry--Niki and I will stay here--

Taehee:Ehh--Okay-I will go-But,you made it look like as if I am dying to stay here--

Y/n:Do anything.If needed,take my heart too.But,save my Heeseung...Please!!

Rimin:We will try---

Taesan:But,why are you all up to take off--

Taehee:Taesan,dont make it look more embarassing..Plzz--

Taesan:I mean it by--You have me and sensing skill--I can sense that the poison is currently going through the vein of Heeseung hyung's neck--

Rimin:Ohh--great then---We are starting his treatment then--Thanks Taesan--For you,we didnt have to do that--

Y/n:Plzz--Doctor Rimin and Taewon--Save my Heedeungie--

Taewon:Just pray for his safety--

With all--we left the room hoping that he will recover-- But,the question which was in my mind was --what is that python??Why did it suddenly appear in our house??--Everything was so normal--All happened so suddenly and I couldnt even realize it--Why did it happen??All a sudden--Niki spoke up-

Niki:Y/n-noona--Its my question too--I just heard your scream and dashed here and saw your appa's dead body right early in this morning---And that's a bad omen--

Y/n:Yah--Niki-ahh--Dont say things like this--But-the fact is what was that python??

Taehee:Another form of evil blessed cursed people--

Sunghoon:What do you mean??

Taesan:That python was here to murder Sunghoon hyung--But accidently--it killed Mr Min and Mrs Min--And also bitten Mr Rover---

Sunghoon:Yahh--why are all up to  murder me??

Taehee:Cuz--you are the last hybrid existing in the whole world and you are every evil blessed cursed's target--

Y/n:Arghh--the blessed cursed child is literally a pain----A torture--

Niki:But--seeing the condition--the python's venom is literally strong-

Y/n:Yahh--Taesan-Is there any way to be saved from the python's venom??

"Ahhh--it's painful"---screamed Taewon while coming out of the room..

Y/n:OMO--Taewon--what happened to you??

Taewon:Suddenly got conjuctivites--It's the venom's effect--I didnt get bitten tho it effected me--And Rimin eonnie got allergies all a sudden--We need a herbal cure for this--No chemical or medicine are effective for this as it's a vampire body--

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