20 (Chapter 20! YAYA!)

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Take my hand

We're leaving here tonight

There's no need to tell anyone

They'd only hold us down

So by the mornings light

 We'll be halfwhere to anywhere

Where love is more than just your name



Aimlea's POV

The first thing I noticed when I awoke was that I felt warm. I was surrounded in heat and it was the most pleasurable thing ever. The next thing I noticed was the unique scent that could only be Caison's.

I moved my head and looked to see Caison's sleeping face. A small smile slipped onto my lips as I remember what he had said.

My hand rested under his shirt, on his solid abs while my other hand was in his soft hair. My bare legs were wrapped around his denim covered ones. Wait. Bare?

I looked down and noticed my clothes had changed. I looked at the white dress and my smile grew.

I felt Caison stir so I turned to look at him.

His eyes opened slowly, revealing those honey orbs. His hair was messed up but it just looked even sexier.

He looked down at me and smiled. "Morning Ammy." His voice was husky with sleep and I could feel my hand tense up on his stomach, sending thousands of tiny lightning bolts up my arm. "Morning Cai." I yawned and snuggled into his chest. 

I felt complete, perfect, loved. My body fit to his like two pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. I felt so Alive in that moment. More than I did when I was living. And I realised something. This boy has saved me. Caison is my Salvation and without him I would fall.

"Well you're never gonna fall cos I'll always be there to catch you." He whispered in my ear and I realised I'd spoken aloud. "Aimlea. You are blushing!" He exclaimed before sitting up and looking at me. 

I raised a hand to my cheeks and felt warmth radiate from them. I let out a small scream and wrapped my arms around Caison's neck, hugging him tightly.

Just then Kaitalin returned. "If a reaper's reaper side leaves the human soul the soul willgain some of it's human functions but it will be like a solid ghost. It will always be dead, That's what Death said." Kaitalin's eyes saw me with my arms around Cai's neck and instantly pulled me off him.

I yelped as Kaitalin held my arms back. "Kitty! Stop! You're hurting me!" I cried, tears forming in my eyes. Caison jumped up out of the bed and I noticed his fists clench.

"Kaitalin. Put her down!" He roared and Kaitalin put me down. "She was trying to strangle you!" She argued. I widened my eyes and opened my closed my mouth like a fish.

"She was hugging me Kaitalin! She isn't a reaper anymore!" Caison came over to me and helped me up from my spot on the floor. I brushed the dress down and finger combed my hair.

"I don't believe you. Aimlea is probably waiting to kill you." I gasped and walked towards Kaitalin. "Kitty! I wouldn't hurt Caison. I love him with everything I have and I mean it. I. Am. Not. Evil. You have to trust me!" I screamed. My voice raw with emotions. I noticed Kat's face soften slightly.

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