Now that I know what I'm without

You can't just leave me

Breathe into me and make me real

Bring me to life

Bring me to life-Evanescence (Possibly one of the best songs ever!)


Aimlea's POV

Most of the people on this list had been senior citizens or cancer patients. They had been expecting me. One of the older woman even managed to see past the shadow that covered my face and had complimented me on my eyes, which was weird. I looked down at the last two people on my list. David Progue and Caison Kove. David progue was easy, he was a drug dealer that had stopped and now he had taken an overdose. I was glad I didn't have any pleading to deal with. I sighed a sigh of relief as I crossed his name off. Now only Caison Kove.

I closed My eyes and concentrated on the sense of his soul. I felt the world around me swirl and I appeared in the exact same park I had been in this afternoon. I pulled my hood up and glided over to the bench he was sitting on with his head in his hands. He looked up and into my hood. I had pulled it down further so he couldn't see my face. " Here to kill another innocent I see." His voice was bitter and full of hate, The same hate that reflected in his deep brown eyes. " You don't need to give me the silent treatment. I know your not death unless death is a blonde chick that likes leather and the colour black."

My eyes widened at that. I grabbed my hood and pulled it down, letting my slightly curly hair blow in the wind. " What the fuck? How did you know that? Are you a spy that Death sent. Or another test to see if I won't show mercy?" I asked. I looked up at the sky and gave the stars the bird. " Very funny death. Very funny indeed. Now where is the real Caison Kove so I can finish this stupid list and get a flipping shower!" I called up. The boy on the bench had his head up fully now. It was cocked to the side as if he was studying me. " Why did you do it?" He asked, his voice solemn. I raised a perfect eyebrow at him. " Do what?" I asked.

I had done a lot of things and since I knew he knew What I looked like before I took my hood off then he might know more. " Wow your dumb. Why did you kill Ali. She hadn't done anything." He looked up at me and I realised he wasn't a boy. He looked around my age. I looked down at the list I was holding and absorbed the information from the name. 21. The number rattled inside my head. " Because I had to." I admitted. Sighing. Then caught myself. What was I doing. I knew never to trust people. I did that once and where did that end me up. At that exact moment a flash of pain stabbed me in the stomach. I placed my hand there and groaned. There was no new wound. It was just a flashback. The boy looked at me confused. " You hurt everytime you confess something. Tell me your life story please." He asked, looking forward to see me in pain. I glared at him. Keeping my breathing steady until the pain went away. I stood up slowlymuntil I was back at my full height. He also rose form his seat and I was dissapointed to find out he was about 6"6' 

" Actually I was thinking about something which caused a flashback. To answer your question I didn't want to kill her. I had to kill her because my master told me so otherwise I would be sent to the depths of the flames." I growled out. Slapping my hand other my mouth when I realised I had just admitted again lots of stuff. " Your master? And who might that be?" He asked cockily. I really wanted to kill him with my bare hadns but I had to make him die by himself. I couldn't actually touch him to kill him otherwise I would be in big trouble. " Wow. Whos the idiot now. I'm dressed like this and I carry a scythe and have a list of people to kill and your asking me who my master is." I answered back like it was the most obvious thing ever. He folded his rather muscular arms and looked up at me with that piercing brown gaze. I matched his gaze with my own lilac glare.

" So your master is death?" He asked rather quietly. I felt like doing a genie from Alladin and start screaming Bingo you got it. You have won the game but I kept my mouth shut and nodded. " But you have to be dead for death to control you." He stopped and looked at me closely. His hand reached out towards my face and I showed my sharp teeth that had replaced my normal ones. I hated being touched. I let out a threatening growl at the same time and used my powers to switch my scythe into a sword. He looked at the sword then back up at me. " Aww, the puppy doesn't like being petted?" He asked sarcastically. I glared at him and another defensive growl started in my throat. It was a defence mechanism back in Italy. Kind of like my war cry.  "Toccami ancora e ti strappo il cuore attraverso la gola e lo manipola come le mele nel mercato." I growled out in my native tongue of italian. I missed the feel of the words rolling off my tongue and couldn't help but get a rush of euphoria.

" What?" He asked, clearly confused about my sudden change in language. "Touch me again and I will rip your heart out through your throat and juggle it like the apples in the market." I translated for him, my accent a bit thicker now. His eyes widened. " How do you know italian. And Latin." He asked completely confused. " I'm from Italy and I don't know latin only the words I need to say to send a soul to Death." I answered. I was just getting comfortable when ir ealised something. I had just slipped more information. I looked down at the list in my hands and read the name again. " Caison Kove?" I asked. He looked up and that was the only answer I needed.  I understood he wasm't stupid enough to actually let me trick him into killing himself so that meant i had to kill him. Cold blooded murder. I pulled the sword back to push it into his stomach when i realised the fear in his eyes.

That fear mimicked the exact same fear I had when I died. Except I thought I would get away. I went to plunge the sword into him when an extremely sharp pain. Sharper than when the wound was actually inflicted struck my stomach. I cried out, dorpping my sword and wrapping both my arms around myself. I was on my knees as I curled up, trying to stop the pain.


Muhahahahaha! You will have to wait until the next chapter to see what happens! HAHAHA! But don't worry. I've actually got some proper inspiration so the next chapter will be uploaded ASAP. The song up the top is My FAV! I love evanescence songs!

Hope you enjoyed

Tanith xxx

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