Don't want your hand this time

I'll save myself

Maybe I'll wake up for once

The tormented daily defeated by you

Just when I thought I reached the bottom.


Caisons POV

I looked as she collapsed onto the grass. Her tanned face was a contortion of pain. The part of her stomach she was holding was the exact same part that the long sword had been aiming for. I walked over to her and crouched down beside her. She was biting on her lip to stop the screams with her razor sharp teeth yet no blood was flowing. I placed my hand on the side of her face and almost jerked away. Her skin was ice cold, like she had just come out of a freezer. Don't you have to be dead for death to control you? My words echoed in my mind. So she was dead. A weird feeling entered my body, probably the realization that I had just been talking casually to a dead person, who also happened to be alive. Like a zombie. But her eyes weren't glowing blue and her skin looked intact. I made a quick mental note to stop playing COD and RE for a while.

Slowly her screaming stopped. A normal person would have been soaked in sweat but she wasn't. Her skin was dry. I realised she must use a lot of mosturiser if she didn't have any natural oils in her skin. She was still. Her eyes had fluttered closed. She was curled into a fetal position, her arms still wrapped protectivly around her stomach. I watched in awe as the cloak she was wearing vanished. Revealing the leather jacket, jeans, boots and tee shirt she was wearing. I automatically checked her pulse but realised it was stupid. I shook her shoulder gently, trying to stir her but it was no use. She was still clutching her stomach and I bet if she could she would be crying. I grumbled and bent down to pick her up. I could at least move her to the bench. I thought. As I lifted her the back of her jacket and tee had riden up revealing her back. Along it was a long, wide scar that was a brilliant white compared to the darkness of her skin. I wondered why she had been clutching her stomach if the scar was on her back and then I remembered.

She was going to push the sword through my stomach. It would have come out of my back. That had happened to her. So that was why she had been in so much pain. She had been having memories. I carried her gently over to the bench. My hands trembling slightly under her cold skin. She looked just like a normal person would have looked apart from the blue tint in her lips and the lack of colour in her cheeks. I turned and left her on the bench heading back to my apartment when I heard a small whimper. I turned back to see the girl thrashing about on the bench. " No. I have no idea about them. They never hired me." She was mumbling in her sleep. It was actually pretty cute until I caught onto the words she was saying. They changed from Italian to english. "Fratello non ti preoccupare. Sarà bene si prega di smettere di piangere. Please don't hurt him. He has nothing to do with this." Then there was a scream " Carlo! Please Carlo be ok. svegliarsi. Wake up Carlo. Carlo please!" She was screaming. I had learnt from my italian classes that Fratello meant brother so I guess soemthing had happened with her brother.

I rushed over to her and shook her body. " Wake up!" I shouted at her, trying to stir her from her nightmare. She screamed and sat up straight. Her violet eyes were full of fear and were glowing faintly. Those strange eyes lcked on my and I noticed the gold flecks in them, She showed me her sharp teeth and hisses. I also noticed that the nails on her fingers were now small talons. She jumped off the bench and glared at me. She closed her eyes as if trying to vanish then opened them again witha frustrated growl. " Great I'm stuck here till you die." She growled. I looked slightly shocked. There was basically a zombie/ghost thing in front of me that looked half bird and half girl. She pulled out the list and showed me my name. It was glowing a faint purple like her eyes. She growled again then sat down on the end of the bench. I sat on the othe and looked at her.

" Who's Carlo?" I asked casually, trying to break they extremely awkward silence. Instantly she was upon me, literally. She had both hands around my collar holding me up in the air. Wow she was quick. " How. Do. You. Know. His. Name." The girl asked, her now deep purple eyes glowing fiercely. "You were screaming his name, in your dream." I replied. Letting her know it was the truth. She glared at me before dropping me hard onto the bench. " Don't ever ask about my past because I am unaware of it myself." She finished. Looking down to study her nails. She noticed something on them because she wiped them on her jeans. I noticed her study the finger closely. " What the fuck?" She pondered out loud. " What is it?" I asked. She grabbed my hand and I realised that her hands were slightly wet. " Your all sweaty." I pointed out then froze. Dead people don't sweat.

Her eyes widened at the exact same time as mine. " But it's physically impossible for me to sweat. Ever since I died I couldn't cry, or sweat or bleed." I noticed she had left some other things out but I decided it was best to leave them in her head. "ok ummm... Thingy Magig. Why would you randomly start sweating?" I asked. She glared at me when  I had called her thingy magig. " My Name is Aimlea." She answered. My eyes widened as I heard her name. It was the same name as the assassin we learnt about in school.The one that died in 2000. murdered by the mafia. I thought  the name was pretty. She looked at me again. " What do you mean my name is pretty?" She asked, her head tilting to the side like mine did when I was confused.  Suddenly hher head straightened up. " I'm not going to do anything you do." She glared at me again. I was unsure where all this anger had come from.  " How can you read my thoughts?" I asked startled. She chuckled for a little bit but it was a musical laugh.

" You said your thoughts outloud," She calmed him down a bit but only a bit. " How old are you?" I asked cautiously, sub consciouslly backing away incase she lifted me by the shirt again. " Which age. My age if I was still living or the age I died at which is how old I stay." She asked. I thought about it then answered "both." She sighed then tucked her legs up behind her. " I died when I was 20 so I am 20 years old. But I died in 2000 and now it's 2013 so if I was still alive and hadn't died I would be 33." She replied simply. I thought my eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. She was italian, had the same name, died in 2000. " How did you die." I asked. I noticed a flash of anger start un her eyes but then it simmered down into the kind of look you see in a lost puppies eyes. " I don't know." She answered truthfully. I yawned, placing my head on my arm. making sure I was on the far side of the long bench away from her incase she got the wrong idea. I closed my eyes and gently fell asleep a weird warm feeling buzzing inside of me.


Sooooo? What do you think. Sorry It was a bit mishmashed.I will try to post chapter number 4 aswell today but it's nearly time for me to sleep. -_-

Anyway tell me what you think of Aimlea or Caison or what you think will happen. Also If you want me to dedicate a chapter to you then comment that you want a dedication and fan me and I'll dedicate one to you.

Hope your enjoying this story.

Tanith xxx

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