Chapter 20

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Torin slept in the tent with his older brothers as the fireflies flew around outside. He tossed and turned in his sleep as He had a nightmare.

He dreamt about the day the village was attacked and was taken. Sweat running down his chest as He began to mumble in his sleep.

His mumbling woke up Envain who had a bit of a sleepy look as He wanted to know what was going on.

His question was soon answered when He saw that Torin was having a nightmare. He went out of his bed to wake his brother from his nightmare.

Torin woke up with a panicked look on his face as He let out a few panicked breaths. Envain gently grabbed his brother's arm and told him.

"Calm down, its okay, its okay..." Torin let out a few breaths before He said to him. "It... It felt so real... I..."

Envain looks at him and said. "Its alright, It was just a dream... Want to tell me what it was about?"

Torin looked at him for a few seconds before saying to him. "I... I dreamt about... That day..." Envain had a look of understanding on his face as He said to him.

"That happened many years ago, and I wont let that it will never happen to You again..." Torin didn't expect his older brother to say that as Envain said to him.

"You should go back to sleep, Tomrrow is a busy day and You need the rest." Torin gave him a small nod and said to him.

"Okay... I try to get some more sleep and Envain... I'm glad it was You and the boys that found me and Elenor and not Akvhi's men..."

Envain looks at him and said. "Well, You and the Dragon King's daughter is very lucky that We found You two...

And sorry for calling You a fuck toy and everything..." Torin looks at his brother and said. "Its fine, I get that You thought me and Elenor were with Akvhi.

I would probably do the same thing if I were in Your shoes..." Envain looks at him and said to him. "Well, You have to be on very high guard and not trust anyone who might be working for that bastard.

Now get back to sleep little brother..." Torin went to lay his head back on the pillow while Envain went back to his own bed.

He slowly fell back asleep and slept soundly for a few hours until He was woken up by the rooster crowing.

Torin went out of the tent and let out a tired yawn as He started to make his way to the dinning tent. Once He got there He went to stand in line to get his food with a bit of a tired look on his face.

A few minutes of standing in line He got his food and went to sit with his Father and Brothers. He ate with them for a few minutes before Elenor went over to them and said to Torin.

"Good morning, How are You today?" Torin looks at her and said. "Good morning, Elenor... I'm doing fine actually, what about You?"

Elenor looks at him and said with a smile on her face. "I'm feeling pretty good today, and I'm glad to finally be with my Family again.

And I'm guessing this is Your Father and Your other brothers?" Torin looks at her and said with a smile. "Yes, this is my second brother Kaiden and my third brother Larkai. And this is my Father, Chief Olvun of the Wolfku Tribe."

Olvun looks at Elenor and said with a small smile on his face. "So You are the young Lady that helped my son escape, I am forever grateful for Your kind deed, Princess..."

Elenor looks at him and said. "Well, It was actually Torin that got me out of here and..." Larkai looks at Torin and said. "Torin? Is that what people have been calling You for the past eight years?"

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