Chapter 7

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Two weeks passed and Elenor spent some time to know Arsen. While her older siblings did the same thing with their sweethearts.

Elenor even became good friends with some of the girls at the Palace. And got to know them as well and wrote letters to everyone back at the Castle.

One night when Elenor got herself ready and went to sleep for the night. The man with the brand sneaked into her room and quietly made his way to her bed.

He looked at Elenor's sleeping form for a few seconds before He took out a cloth. And put it over her mouth and nose starteling the girl awake.

Elenor tried to get out of his grip as He told her to stop struggling. She kept struggling until She kicked him in the groin.

She then quickly pushed him off her and quickly went for the bell. But was quickly grabbed by the man and knocked over a vase that was standing on the nightstand.

He pinned her down and kept his hand over her mouth. She grabbed one of the shards of the broken vase and stabbed him in the leg.

He let out a scream as Elenor kicked him off her and went for the bell again. She rang it once before being pushed to the wall by the man.

He then began to strangle her as He called her a bitch. Elenor dug her fingers into the wound on his leg to make him stop.

But He ignored the pain and kept strangling her as Elenor's body began to feel week. She thought She was going to die at that moment that's when a male guard came into the room.

As soon as the guard saw what was happening to Elenor He quickly pulled him off her. He then pinned him to the ground with a look of fury on his face.

Elenor gasped for air and started coughing as the guard called for his coworkers. Other guards came into the room and began to help arrest the man.

While one of them went to see if Elenor is alright and took her to the infirmary. As Elenor sat in the chair and having her small cuts treated Arsen and Elenor's older siblings came bursting into the room.

He went over to her and said with a look of concern on his face. "Elenor are You alright?!" Elenor looks at him and said as He gently put his hand on her cheek.

"I am alright, I just got a few cuts and bruises its nothing to worry about..." Rayena looks at her and said. "Are You certain? The man that attacked You didn't try to..."

Elenor knew what she e was referring to and told her and the others. "No, He didn't try to rape me. All He did was preventing me from calling for help and strangled me when I stabbed him..."

Arsen became angry upon hearing this and said. "I'm going to gut him alive for what He did..." Duncan looked at the guard as He said to him with a serious look on his face.

"The man that attacked my Sister, where did You take him?" The guard looks at the Prince and said to him.

"He's been taken to the dungeon, We are going to interrogate him first thing in the morning..." Arsen looks at the guard and said with a serious expression on his face.

"Good, Then go and tell Lord Harwin that I be joining inn on the interrogation as well..."

Elenor looked at the guard and said. "Tell him I be joining as well..." Everyone looked surprised to hear her say this as one of the healers told her.

"Princess, I would advise You to not go. With what just happened to You it..." Elenor looks at the healer and said with a serious expression on her face.

"I know, but I still demand to know why that man attacked me and what his intentions with me were."

The other healer looks at her and said. "But Princess, Your injuries..." Elenor looks at the maid and told her with a polite tone in her voice.

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