Character Profile - Drecun

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Name - Drecun Fireheart

Age - 345

Hair color - Red

Eye Color - Red

Dragon form color - Red

Dragon form height - 50 meters tall

Race - Dragon Blood

Occupation - King of Fireland

Fire - Blue

Being the son of King Ordin the Kind and next in line to rule Fireland was a lot of pressure and responsibility.

But He kept a calm mind and spend most of his free time with his little sister Princess Anya Fireheart. Who He was very close with and loved very much as He was willing to keep her safe at all coasts.

At the age of 12 He meet the second daughter of the Orthendi family Rosenia. Upon their first meeting they became great friends and that friendship turned into a romantic one as they turned 20 years old.

And it was on the day of the anual Gathering of the Clans where Drecun chose to marry Rosenia Orthendi and make her his furture Queen. A few days after it was decided that Drecun and Rosenia shall marry and have their one years stay at the Palace.

When things became grim as the young Crown Prince recived the news that Princess Anja is dead. Filled with sorrow and wanting to know the cause for his Sister's death.

He went back to the Castle with is Fiancèe and found out that Anja were killed by a group of soldiers from the Kingdom of the north. Enraged by this discovery He set out to find the men responsable and avenge his Sister's torment and death.

Rosenia went with him because She and Anja were best friends and had a sister like bond. King Ordin didnt want his only son to go but Drecun went anyway.

After Drecun and Rosenia were done with their vengance by burning down the fortress. They went back home and received the news that King Ordin is sick and dying.

Drecun went to see his dying father and apologised to his father for leaving. His father's final words to him was that he was forgiven and that he be a great King.

Drecun became devastated when his father died and begged him to not leave him. After his father's death He were crowned King and married Rosenia.

A year after their marriage they had their first born son and named him Duncan. And a year later Rayena was born and a few months later adopted Elenor and made her part of the royal family.

Then had more children and stopped with the triplets. Because they didn't want any more children in the castle and loved them all equally.

Drecun and Rosenia raised all their children to be kind wonderful brave people, who isn't afraid to stand up to what is right and help the ones in need.

He is proud of all of his children and will do anything to keep them all safe from harm.

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