Chapter 17

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Elenor slowly opened her eyes and found herself laying in a room She was not familiar with. She felt her body feeling weak and tired as She stared at the black stone ceiling.

The light of the morning sun shinning through the windows and onto the wooden floors. She turned to look left and saw Torin sitting in a chair asleep.

She looked at him for a few seconds before trying to sit up in her bed. But it was too painful and She let out a hiss of pain that woke him up.

He looks happy to see that She's awake and said to her. "Elenor, thank the gods that You are awake... How are You feeling?"

Elenor looks at him and said with a calm look on her face. "It feels like a rat with rabies has clawed and bitten by back, but I am fine...

Torin, have You stayed by my side the entire night?" Torin gave her a nod and said with a sad look in his eyes. "I have... Because I was so worried about You and... Its all my fault..."

Elenor looks at him and said with a comforting tone in her voice. "Torin, its not Your fault..." He looks at her and said with a sad look on his face.

"But it is... If I hadn't told Akvhi that..." Elenor has a curious look on her face and said to him. "Told him what? What did You do?"

He looks at her and said. "After You were thrown in that cell the first day You came here... Akvhi wanted someone to gain Your trust and give him information, So He chose me...

And I couldn't say no because I was afraid what He might do to me if I told him no... It felt wrong telling him what You told me and..."

Elenor looks at him and said with a look of anger on her face. "You told him what I told You!? My Family, My husband?! Everything!?!

How could You!?!" Torin looks at her and said as he has tears in his eyes. "I-I know what I did was unforgiveable and... after spending time with You I began to feel like I could relax, and be myself without being afraid of my own shadow.

Last night after You treated my injuries, I went to Akvhi and I told him that I didn't want to do it anymore. He got angry and...

I didn't want You to take the punishment He was about to give me and..." The tears ran down his face as He told her with a sad tone in his voice.

"I am so sorry, I never wanted to hurt You and I know what I did to You is unforgiveable. And that You never forgive me for it and..."

Elenor gently held his hand and said with a comforting tone in her voice. "Torin... I understand that Akvhi made You do something that You did not want, and I forgive You...

I would have done the same if I were in Your shoes..." Torin looks at her as the tears kept running down his face.

"You forgive me? I don't feel like I don't deserve Your forgiveness..." Elenor looks at her and said with a gentle smile on her face.

"Yes You do, You didn't have a choice and I don't blame You for doing what You did..." Her smile then faded as She let out a small sigh and told him.

"I just hope that Akvhi wont force me to attend that stupid ball tonight... My back is killing me after the lashing I received..."

Torin were deep in thought for a few seconds before He said to her. "Let's get out of here..." Elenor gave him a curious look as She said to him.

"What? What do You mean by that? There is no way out and the gate is always closed and..." Torin looks at her and said to her.

"I know, but there is..." He paused and looked if anyone was near by to listen in on their conversation before He said to her with a whisper.

"There is another way out of here that no one knows about... There is a hidden passage in the wine celler near the servant quarters."

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