Chapter 12

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A week had passed and Elenor has started to get used to living her new life in Savindia. As Arsen has returned back to his duty as protector of the city and patrolling the boarders.

One afternoon Arsen got dismissed from his duty for the day and got to go back home. He entered the palace carrying a medium sized wooden box and made his way to their room.

Upon reaching their room He found Elenor sitting on the balcony reading a book. Elenor looked up from her book and gave her husband a smile as He made his way over to her and said.

"You're home early..." Arsen gave her a kiss on the cheek and told her. "I got permission to go home early today and come see that beautiful wife of mine..."

Elenor gave him a small smile before turning her attention to the wooden box he was carrying and said. "Honey, what is in that box?"

Arsen looks at her with a little smile and told her. "Just a little something for You that I bought at the market today..."

He put the box on the glass table and said to her. "Go on open it..." Curious Elenor opened up the box and discovered that the outfit She was looking at many days ago inside it.

She carefully took the top out of the box as She said to Arsen. "Oh Arsen, this is... You got this for me? You shouldn't have..."

Arsen gave her a sweet loving smile and said. "I saw You looking at that and then I thought, What kind of husband would I be if I didn't get my loving wife the beautiful clothes she laid eyes on."

Elenor gave him a smile and got up from her chair to hug him then said. "And You my love, are the most caring and loving husband to give me this."

Arsen gives her a smile as He told her. "I'm glad You like the gift I gave You..." Elenor gives him a flirty look as She told him.

"I am very grateful for it, now... I want to spend some time with my sweet strong man who I love dearly..."

He held her hand as they began to kiss each other and went to make love in their bed. When night approached Elenor and Arsen laid in their bed cuddled together and looking at the night sky.

Arsen gently stroke his fingers on her arm as He told her. "Have I told You how much I love You today?" Elenor gave him a smile as She told him.

"You told me You love me 59 times today..." Arsen looks at her and said with a smile on his face. "Then it will be the 60th time I told You that I love You..."

Elenor just giggled and held his hand as He began to kiss her neck. And when Elenor and Arsen was about to have another round a guard burst into the room saying.

"Lord Arsen! You need to come immediately!" Arsen quickly pulled the bed sheath over Elenor's naked body and as He looked at the guard saying.

"What the hell do You think You're doing coming inn here without knocking!?!" The guard blushed and quickly turned his gaze away from Elenor as He said.

"I-I apologise sir, I didnt know that You and Your wife was busy. But You need to come immediately the Raiders is outside the City walls."

Upon hearing this Arsen looked at the guard and said. "You sure?" The guard gave him a nod and said to him. "Yes, but they haven't tired to break through the city wall yet..."

Arsen let out a small sigh of annoyance and said as He got out of bed and got dressed. "Bloody Raiders, cant they give us a rest and fuck off already?"

Elenor looks at Arsen and said to him. "While You are out there, please be careful..." Arsen turned to look at her and said with a small smile.

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