Chapter 18

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Elenor and Torin tried to keep their heads above the water as they were flowing down the river. After flowing in the in the river for some time they began to swim towards dry land.

They took a hold of the cold grass and began to drag themselves onto the cold ground. They both let out heavy breaths for a few seconds before Torin said to her.

"That... Was dangerous..." Elenor turns to look at him and said. "I agree, but hey at least We got away from Akvhi..."

Torin turns to look at her and said. "Next time You have a plan like that, warn me first..." Elenor let out a small chuckle as She got onto her feet and said to him.

"I try to warn You next time I have a plan... Now let's get out here before Akvhi's men get here..."

Torin gave her a nod and so they began to walk into the snow covered forest. After some time of walking they decided to set up camp in a cave.

Torin started to make a campfire as Elenor sat shivering form the cold. As soon as He got the fire going He then gently started blowing into it to make the small fire bigger.

Once the fire has gotten bigger He sat down next to Elenor and said to her. "We rest up here until We keep going tomorrow morning..."

Elenor gave him a nod and said. "That sounds like a good idea, I feel so cold. I guess it wasn't such a good idea jumping in a river with this cold weather..."

Torin has a little smile on his face. "I agree with You on that one, let's just hope that We don't catch a cold or else things are not going too well for us..."

They sat quietly by the fire and keeping themselves warm until Torin started to laugh a little. Elenor looked at him with a bit of a confused look on his face and said to him.

"What are You laughing at?" Torin stopped laughing and told her. "I apologise for laughing... It just feels wonderful being out of that Castle...

It has been so long since I have been out here in the wilderness... It feels just like home..." Elenor gave him a small smile and told him.

"It does... It feels nice to be finally out of that place..." Her smile quickly faded as She looked at the fire and said to him.

"I just hope that I can get to my family before they get to the Castle..." Torin gave her a nod and told her. "We get to them... And You can be reunited with Your husband..."

Elenor has a little smile on her face. "I do look forward to be with him..." She then let out a small yawn and has a sleepy look on her face.

Torin gave her a small smile as She told him. "Get some sleep, I keep watch for the night..." Elenor looks at him and said with a tired look on her face.

"You sure? I can keep watch for the night..." Torin looks at her and said. "Its fine, I can take watch... You need the rest after our escape tonight..."

Elenor looks at him and said with a tired smile. "Fine... I sleep, but wake me if any of Akvhi's men comes..."

She rested her head on his shoulder and slowly fell asleep. And Torin kept first watch and kept his eyes out for any enemy soldiers.

And when dawn approached He gently woke her up and they kept walking again. They kept going for three days until they stopped to make camp near a lake.

Torin sat by the fire cooking some food while Elenor sat by the lake looking at her own reflection. As She was starting at it She thought back to the conversation She had with Arsen before She was taken.

She thought about his smile, his voice and the way He stroke her arm as He gently kissed her neck. She missed it all and couldn't wait to be with him and head back home again.

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