Character Profile Rosenia

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Name - Rosenia Orthendi Fireheart

Age - 344 

Hair color - Blue

Eye color - Blue

Color of Dragon form - Blue

Dragon form Height - 50 Meters

Race - Dragon Blood

Occupation - Queen of Fireland

Fire - Blue

Rosenia Orthendi is the second daughter of the Orthendi Family of the south who owns a large fortune and lands. She has a older Sister named Virenia and has a Mother who was very strict with both her and her older Sister.

At the age of 11 the Fireheart family came to viset her family's estate and meet young Drecun Fireheart. And it was upon their first meeting that they became great friends and that friendship became a romantic one as they became grown adults.

She even became great friends with Princess Anja and treated her like a Sister. And She even build good relations with King Ordin and Queen Raynia.

Her Mother became ever stricter with her and hoped that her older Sister would be the one chosen for the Gathering. And Rosenia didnt want that as She loved Drecun very much and to her Mother and Sister's displeasure that Drecun chose Rosenia.

Rosenia was happy that Drecun chose her and went to the Palace with him for their one year stay. She became heart broken and devistated when She were told by Drecun that Anja died a few days after their move to the Palace.

And after finding out the cause for Anja's death She became furious and decided to go with her Fiancè. Despite being told that its going to be dangerous and didnt want her be hurt but She went with him anyway.

To avenge the death of a girl that they both loved and cared for. After finishing their quest of revenge and heading back home She and Drecun recived the news that the King have taken ill.

She went with Drecun as He went to see his Father and comforted her lover when his Majesty passed away. After Drecun were crowned the new King of Fireland She married him and got pregnant with their first born son.

Then She got pregnant with their second child which was a girl and a few monhts after the birth of their second child. She were informed that her husband have taken inn a baby girl that lost her mother after being born.

At first She didnt like the idea of taking care of a complete stranger's child and didnt want nothing to do with Baby Elenor. But She slowly began to grow attatched to the little baby girl and gave her the love and care that of a mother.

A few years later She and Drecun went to have more children and with the birth of the triplets. She and Drecun decided that they had enough children living in their Castle.

They both raised all their children to be kind, wonderful and brave young men and women, that wernt afraid to do what was right or do the right thing.

And as the years went She didnt have much contact with her Sister after the death of her parents. And her older Sister became Lady of the lands her family have owned for generations.

Rosenia sometimes wished that her relationship with her big sister were a better one. And hopes that Her sister can stop feeling so bitter towards her and be involved in her children's lives and be a supportive Aunt to them. 

Rosenia has also viseted Anja's grave and planted white roses which were her Sister-In-Law's favorite flower.

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