Chapter 2 - The Gathering

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The day of the Gathering has arrived and The dragon Lords and their best warriors has arrived. As they arrived on the large landing pad some of the men start to talk about how excited they were for the gathering.

And how they looked forward to seeing the Princes and Princesses's performance tonight. They even talked about Princess Elenor and were curious as to how the only human princess in the royal family looked like.

They began to imagine a lot of things and it got them even more curious. They even made a bet about Elenor's appearance and beauty.

Meanwhile Elenor is having her snow white hair braided by one of the maids. She felt nervous and couldn't keep herself from stressing as Duncan took notice.

He let out a small sigh as He put on his golden rings on his right arm and told her. "You're going to be fine, Nori. You can just relax..."

Elenor looks at him and said. "I am not fine, What if I fail and..." Duncan went over to her and gently held her hand as He told her.

"Its fine, You wont fail. And like Father told You a few days ago, You're perfect the way You are..."

Elenor looks at him and said with a bit of a small smile. "You're right... I guess, I'm a bit worried that I mess up and be an embarrassment of the family..."

Salenia finished putting on her makeup and turned to look at Elenor and said. "You? An embarrassment? You never be an embarrassment of the family dear little sister...

You should know that since You're part of this lovely little family..." Elenor looks at her second older sister and said with a small smile.

"And I'm glad to be part of this family..." They talked for a bit until it was time to head to the stage for their dance performance.

Upon arriving Elenor peeked through the small open crack in the curtains. And saw Drecun and Rosenia sitting on their thrones speaking with some of the Lords and Ladies of the clans.

She took notice of how beautiful Rosenia looked in her blue dress and her light blue hair tied in a bun. While Drecun was dressed in a white shirt red jacket and pants with a pair of black leather boots.

She then looked at the guests sitting or standing in the large hall with smiles on their faces. She let out a small sigh and straightened out her white loincloth and fixed her top a little bit.

She then got in place and waited with her siblings as Drecun got up from his throne to address his guests.

He cleared his throat before speaking to the crowd of people. "Lords, Ladies and warriors of the Clans! I welcome all of You with open arms to the annual Gathering of the Dragons!

It brings me so much pride and joy to see Everyone from the Clans gathered in my home. There was a time when our ancestors were enemies and would gladly spill each other's blood for sport,

But that time has passed and now We live in an era where there is peace between our clans. And I am glad to be Your King and ruler of the Firelands, without further ado please enjoy the performance of the great Princes and Princesses of House Fireheart!"

Elenor took a deep breath as the curtain began to rise and began to dance with her brothers and sisters. She moved gracefully and never missed the beat of the music and neither did the others.

Some of the men in the crowd were stunned by her beautiful look and her performance on stage. Drecun sat back down on his throne and poured himself a cup of wine as one of the Ladies said to him.

"Oh my, I didn't expect You have such a beautiful daughter, Your Majesty. She is absolutely stunning..."

Drecun looks at her and said with a small smile. "Thank You for the kind words, Lady Frost..." Lord Frost looks at him and said with a smile on his face.

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