Chapter 3.

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The next day Elenor got herself dressed and went to practice her sword skills at the training yard. Upon arriving to the training yard She saw that Arsen was there sparing with one of the warriors from the other clans.

Elenor watched as Arsen fought the warrior with a serious expression on his face as He landed blow after blow. He dodged one of his opponents attack and punched him in the stomach.

He then grabbed the man and threw him to the wall. The man hit the wall hard with a loud thud and let out a groan of pain.

Elenor was impressed by Arsen's combat skills and said to him with a smile. "You fight well, Arsen..."

Arsen turned to look at her and then said with a small smile as him and the other warriors bowed their heads.

"Princess Elenor, What a pleasant surprise what brings You here?" Elenor looks at him and said while still smiling.

"I came here to practice my sword and combat skills, Is it alright if I join You and the others on the spar?"

Arsen gave her a nod as He told her. "Of course, just so You know I don't hold back and strike very hard..."

Elenor looks at him and said as She went to get her sword from the rack. "Do not worry, I can handle it..."

She then went to the ring and went to spar with Arsen first. She began to stand in her fighting stance and got ready as Arsen made his first move.

She blocked his attack and then swinged her sword at him. Arsen dodged her attack and then went to punch her in the face.

But She ducks and swipes him off his feet and He falls to the ground with a thud. He then quickly up from the ground and went to strike her sword at her.

She quickly blocks it and went to swing her sword at him again. They kept at it for a while until Elenor and Arsen managed to defeat each other.

The tip of their swords a few inches from their throats as Arsen let out a few breaths before saying to her. "Not bad... You are quite skilled..."

Elenor let out a few breaths before telling him. "You are quite skilled as well, Arsen..." They both lowered their swords as one of the warriors said to Elenor.

"You are quite skilled for a woman Your age, if You were part of the Red Flame." Elenor looks at him and said with a small smile.

"Thank You for the complements, Sir. But I do not think that the warriors of the Red Flame would accept someone like me..."

One of the other warriors with golden hair said to her with a curious look on his face. "Of course they would, what makes You say that, Princess?"

Elenor looks at him and said with a calm look on her face. "Because I'm not born with Dragon Blood... And I do not think that they would accept a human into their ranks."

The golden haired warrior looks at her with an apologetic look on his face as He told her. "Forgive me, I didn't mean to..."

Elenor gave him a small smile as She told him. "It is quite alright, I do not take offense in what You were saying, I know that You didn't mean anything ill by what You were saying."

She then looks at him and said. "Mabye You could show me some Your combat skills, Sir?" The golden haired man looks at her and says.

"Of course I spar with You, I'm Akvin of the Frost Clan, Princess Elenor." Elenor was about to spar with him when one of the maids came to the training yard and said to her.

"Princess, I came to inform You that You and the girls have a lesson with Mrs Sayne this afternoon..."

Elenor looks at the maid and said with a bit of a surprised look on her face. "I have? I thought it was tomorrow, Thank You for informing me Maria..."

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