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One stormy night, a brown haired woman is making her way to the castle of the fear and powerful dragon king. The reason why She is going to the home of the powerful dragon king is the sake of herself and her child inside her womb.

She went to the gate and saw the two guards standing there in their silver armor with a mark of a heart with a dragon coiled around it. She made her way over to them and said with a tired tone in her voice.

"I would like to see King Drecun..." One of the guards looks at her and said with a stonic serious look on his face. "He doesn't want visotors at this hour, come back tomorrow morning..."

The woman looked at him and said with a pleading look on her face. "Please, I have to see him... Its important..." The other guard looks at the woman and said with a serious tone in his voice.

"Didn't You hear my colleague here? He said the King doesn't want to have any visotors... Come back tomorrow and..." The woman looks at the guards and said with a desperate look on her face.

"I wish to seek sanctuary from him...." The guards looked at her for a few seconds before one of them sighed and said to her. "Come with me and I take You to him, but He isn't going to be happy to be disturbed tonight..."

The woman thanked him and started follow him into the big giant castle on the mountain side. She walked with the man through the dark hallway as flashes from the thunder storm outside lighted up the room.

They reached the throne room and made their way to the throne where the King himself sat. His yellow glowing eyes looking at the guard and the woman as they approached him.

The woman looked at his long red hair, pale white skin, strong muscular body with a few scars on his arms. King Drecun looked at his guard for a few seconds before saying with a voice that was deep and sounded a bit terrifying.

"What is the meaning of this Gerdvin?" Gerdvin bowed his head and said with an apologetic tone in his voice. "I apologise for the disturbance your majesty, but this woman wishes to..."

Drecun looks at him and said. "I would like to hear the reason why this woman is in my castle from her..." He then turned to look at the woman and waited for her to tell him her reason for disturbing him and being in his castle.

She took a deep breath before saying to King Drecun with a calm look on her face. "I came here seeking sanctuary in Your Castle, The name is Victoria Clarise..."

Drecun looks at her and said with a bit of a serious look on her face. "Why do You wish to seek sanctuary in my castle?" Victoria looks at the Dragon king and said with her expression unchanged.

"The reason I wish to seek sanctuary is to keep my child safe..." She removed her cloak and showed her big pregnant belly as She kept talking. "I want to keep my child safe from a man that doesn't have the best intentions. So I ask You to give both me and my child sanctuary until I can get to the border..."

Drecun looks at Victoria as He told her. "You want me to give You and that unborn child of Yours sanctuary in my home? How do I know You wont slit my throat while I'm in my sleep or harm my family?"

Victoria looks at Drecun and said with a pleading look on her face. "I... I would never do such a thing, Please let me stay here. I clean and make food for You, I even do Your laundry, I do anything please let me stay..."

Drecun looks at Victoria and said to her. "I have the best chefs making me the greatest food and servants doing their jobs perfectly without any mistakes, I do not need You doing any work for me.

I surgest You go to the inn that is in a town that is not far from there. They will give You a place to stay for a couple of days..." Victoria has a desperate look on her face as She told him.

Daughter of the Dragon KingWhere stories live. Discover now