Tarfin's Punishment

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Meanwhile in the cold lands of Adventhi, Akvhi wernt too happy to hear about the spy his advisor had sent failed.

So He had Tarfin brought to the dungeon to face his punishment. He looks at his advisor as He was shackled to the wall and said. "You really disappointed me, Tarfin... You send a man that has spied on her for weeks and He didn't even try to capture Her..."

Tarfin looks at Akvhi and said as one of the men sharpend his blade. "Please, I know Kirvin failed. Give me another chance and I send someone..."

Akvhi looks at him and said with a serious expression on his face. "I gave You a fucking chance, and You fucked that up by sending a fool like Kirvin...

Hell, even his brother is more competent than him..." Tarfin looks at him and said with a pleading tone in his voice.

"Just give me a chance..." Akvhi looks at him for a few seconds before saying to him.

"Giving You a second chance is not an option for You. Not while that girl is still with those dragons and is about to marry one of them."

Tarfin looks at him and said. "I know, I know... I do better next time promise! Just give me some time and..." Akvhi grabbed him by the throat and started choking him.

Tarfin started begging begging for his life as Akvhi started chocking him harder. His eyes filled with anger and his need to punish his servant for his failure.

He was about to kill him when a servant came into the room saying. "M-My Lord..." Akvhi turned to look at the young black haired man with blue eyes and said.

"What do You want, Mutt!?!" The young man had a fearful look on his face as He said to him. "I-I just wanted to inform Master Firchi that He received a letter from one of his spies... About the girl... And He wanted me to show it to You..."

Akvhi had a bit of a surprised look on his face upon hearing this. He let go of Tarfin and went over to the young black haired man.

He snatched the letter from his hand and started reading it. After reading the letter He turned to look at Tarfin and said.

"Looks like You get to live another day, Tarfin. One of Firchi's spies has gathered some very valuable information that will help us in getting the girl...

So I'm giving You a chance to redeem Yourself for Kirvin's mistake..." Tarfin looks relieved to hear this and said with a relieved look on his face.

"Thank You, I wont fail You again, My King..." Akvhi looks at him as He signaled the man who was sharpening his sword.

The man put his sword away and went to grab the branding iron from the burning fire. Tarfin had a confused expression on his face as He told Akvhi.

"W-What are You doing? You just gave me a second chance!" Akvhi looks at him and said with a serious look on his face.

"I did, but that doesn't mean that You will escape punishment from Your first failure..." Tarfin had a fearful expression on his face and started begging him to not do it.

But his pleas fell on deaf ears as the man took the branding iron from the fire. He then went over to Tarfin and pressed the hot burning iron on his chest.

Tarfin let out a painful scream as the young black haired man had a fearful expression on his face. Akvhi turned to look at the young man and said to him.

"Go and prepare a bath for me, Mutt..." The man looks at his master and said with a terrified tone in his voice.

"Y-Yes, My Lord..." He then went up the stairs as Tarfin continued screaming until the branding iron got removed from his chest.

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