Cruel North

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Adventhi, a land far up north that is nothing but a unforgiving an frozen wasteland during winter. In spring it is a warm with a bit of a cold breeze that cools its inhabitants of that land.

The land of Adventhi is also ruled by a man whose heart is much colder than ice, and his lust for power burns hotter than fire.

Over the years He had conquered towns and villages inhabited by small tribes. And has made slaves of the people that once lived in those peaceful places.

That man is known as Akvhi the King of Adventhi and dark lord of all. One afternoon in the large dark castle Akvhi's advisor was making his way to General Serenity's chambers.

Upon arriving to her door He sees a young man with short brown hair and blue eyes exit her room. The young man gave the advisor a bow before leaving with a bit of a fearful look in his eyes.

The advisor then entered the room and looked at the black haired woman and says. "May I ask who just left Your chambers, General Serenity?"

Serenity put on her bathrobe as She looked at the advisor with her emerald green eyes. "You mean Ikras? He's just someone I have made a little arrangement with..."

He looks at her with a curious look on his face as He asks her. "May I ask what the agreement is between You and that lad?"

Serenity looks at him and said. "The agreement is that He comes to my room once a month and give me a time of pleasure, and I wont execute him for stealing my jewls."

She then got up form her bed and said. "So tell me, Tarfin. What brings You to my chambers this lovely afternoon?"

Tarfin looks at her and says. "I came here to discuss a rumor one of our men has started spreading in the castle walls and has told me personally..."

Serenity makes her way to her wine cabinet and started pouring herself some wine as She told him. "What is the rumor may I ask? That General Undin is an incompetent fool?"

Tarfin looks at her and said with a serious look on his face. "The romor regards a girl in the dragons's territory, a girl with snow white hair..."

Serenity stopped her wine glass a few inches from her lips and had a curious look on her face. She turned to look at him and said.

"White hair? You don't think it is..." Tarfin gave her a nood as He says with a serious look on his face. "I am sure it is Victoria's child..."

Serenity looks at him and said with a calm look on her face. "Who told You about this girl?" Tarfin looks at her and says as his expression still remained serious and stonic.

"Like I told You before, one of our men told me. He was in some brothel in the Firelands when He saw the white haired girl, and went to tell me and some other bastards."

Serenity let out a small sigh and says to Tarfin. "You know how He will react when He finds out that his child is probably alive?

He probably send some of his men to get the girl and have her brought back here in this god for saken lands..." Tarfin looks at her and says.

"Yes, I know but that wont be an easy task..." Serenity looks at him with a curious look on her face. "What makes You say that?

Isnt it easy to take a girl from some brothel and have her brought here?" Tarfin lookes at her and says with a serious tone in his voice.

"Because that girl is apparently a Princess of the Fireheart family..." Serenity has a surprised look on her face upon hearing this and says.

"Are You certain? Are you certain that She's a Princess of the Firehearts?" Tarfin gave her a nod and Serenity let out another sigh and says to him.

"Then it will not be such an easy task, since that brat is part of the fucking royal family of dragons. Trying to go into their lands and try to take her is suicide, considering that the King and Queen of the Firelands has burned down a whole bloody fortress in one night.

And not to mention the bastards that were burned along with that damned place..." Tarfin looks at her and says as He took a few steps towards her.

"And it will be a massacre and a huge loss of our forces if He sends men there to retrieve her. I think it is wise for the both of us and the rest of the bastards if We keep this a secret from him."

Serenity looks at him and says with a small smirk. "Keeping a secret from all mighty Akvhi? You know that will cause us a lot of trouble and a trip to the execution block?"

Tarfin looks at her and says. "I know, but we wont keep it a secret from him for long. Right now We wait until We find an opportunity to take the girl without any unnecessary casualties..."

Serenity took a sip from her wine before saying to him. "So You say, And when did Akvhi care about the casualties of his own men?"

Tarfin looks at her and says with a serious tone in his voice. "Just keep it a secret from him until the time is right to relay this peice of information to him."

Serenity gave him a small smile as She told him. "Fine, I keep my mouth shut but You know He wont be too happy to be kept this hidden from him...

What are You going to do with that servant that told You about the girl?" Tarfin looks at her and says before leaving her room.

"I make sure He stays quiet for his own body and health..." Serenity has a evil smirk on her face upon hearing him say this. She took another sip of her wine before going to look at the view from her window.

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