"Easy to say. The rain is too heavy. It's hard to see." You admitted despite the fact that you still positioned yourself to shoot and cleaned your face once more with your free hand, before leaving that too to join your other hand. Make sure you have a steady grip on the shooting tool.

"Here goes nothing. " You murmured just as you took in a sharp breath and shot, watching the claw fly ahead along with the rope that was tied on it, and landing right above the window.

"Yes!" You exhaled in excitement as a smile reached your face and then you pulled on it a bit to see if it had gotten a good grip, which thankfully it had.

"You still owe me so many things for getting me involved in all this mess. So you better get out of all this unharmed. You hear me, Y/N? " InSu wanted to encourage you a bit even though he didn't do it in a straightforward way, for despite the fact that he had not said anything, he too considered this way too risky.

"Don't worry. I don't plan on going to the hospital. DongMin is there, I wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing me weak." You replying just as you had secured the triangle tool on the rope and had connected it with the vest you were wearing.

You didn't hesitate to launch ahead after that, leaving some phonemes of fear in the process as you were sliding in the air. Once you collided with the concrete wall, you could swear you couldn't feel your own legs, just because of how trembling they were out of fear.

Your breath was unstable and you found yourself frozen there for a bit, your mind trying to snap out of the realization that you were literally hanging on to barely anything, and were standing so high.

" Reach for the window." InSu's voice urged you to go on despite the fright that had taken a grip on you and you hesitantly did so, leaving your trembling hand to push against the window frame.

"What if some alarm goes off when I break the glass?" You uttered as that thought was hunting you while you reached into your pocket and took out an iron fist.

"I have no way of knowing. Regardless we can't back down now. Go for it." InSu responded and you just inhaled deeply before landing your first punch again the glass.

The contact was quite painful for your hand, but you just bit down on your lips as you punched it again with more force this time.


"Shut up! I am trying!" You hissed back at InSu who was pressuring you, for despite your two punches the window had barely cracked.

You closed your eyes for a moment to concentrate then you tried to picture a face that you really would like to punch, just so it could motivate you more to use all your strength, then you opened your eyes and literally punched your fist right through the window.  Scattered pieces fell on your hand and travelled down to the ground while some other landed again the floor on the inside of the room.

You stood there frozen for a few minutes, expecting some kind of alarm sound but only the heavy raindrops could be heard and the howling of the winding, making you feel a bit more thankful than you were before, for this horrible weather, for it was covering your doings well.

You ignored the cuts your fist had withstood and rushed to catch the handle and open the window. Once you did, you rushed inside and felt so relieved that your feet were standing on concrete again.

"I would literally kiss the ground right now. But I don't have time for that." You commented as you hurried to unlock your belt and remove yourself from the rope that was connected with the triangle tool.

You stepped further inside the room after, looking around in search of something to open whatever secret passage was hidden in there, but you were faced only with those white walls that looked perfectly alike.

Wikigirl 2 //PJMWhere stories live. Discover now