Flights of Fancy

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Even more alluring, however, is the tattooed snake that coils and moves across Eben's skin. It's much more than just a magical decoration; it's a visualization of the man's power, why the half-elf can meet Adder's gaze unflinchingly without fear of petrification. Once it had been a curse that bound them together through, it bound them through something much stronger—love.

But as the gorgon's eyes drift south, he frowns at faint bruising on his partner's hips. He traces the light discoloration gently, eyes full of concern.

"Eben, you should've told me I was hurting you last night."

Completely unabashed, the half-elf licks his lips, hand coming to caress his arousal. "If I did that, you might've stopped."

Adder growls, grabbing Eben's wrist and pulling it away. He leans down, mouthing at the bruises softly.

Eben sighs breathily. "So you're going to torture me now? Mean, Adder. I thought you loved me."

Adder moves his lips to his lover's strained arousal, flicking it with a forked tongue. He smiles as Eben jolts, licking a long stripe from root to tip.

"I love torturing you a little more."

The half-elf groans, covering his face. "What happened to the shy little snake I met five years ago? I've created a deviant."

Adder chuckles. "I had no idea your powers reached such heights...although, I've always suspected you may be a God—one of perversion that is. We just woke up, and you're this excited already?"

"How can I stay calm when I awaken to you hovering above me?"

The gorgon flicks his tongue again, startling a whimper from the redhead. "Most people would respond with fear, not arousal."

Eben thrusts his hips into the air impatiently, whining when Adder moves his mouth away. "It's a little known fear response. You know—fight, flight, fawn, and fuck."

Still, the gorgon denies his lover, tracing a teasing claw up and down heated skin. "Hm, very interesting."

"Agh! Adder, just get on with it!"

Adder smiles innocently. "Magic words, my love."

"Adder, I need you..."

Adder's tail wags with excitement. "You were supposed to say please, my love, but that works too."

The gorgon finally lowers his mouth, carefully minding his fangs as he attends to his partner. Eben sighs, biting his lip as his head falls back into the gorgon's nest of furs and blankets.

Adder lets a hand wander his lover's body, gently scraping sharp claws over freckles skin. Eben twitches and groans, gripping the gorgon's long horns as the monster's head bobs rhythmically. Adder hums happily as the half-elf squeezes his eyes shut, thighs flinching as the gorgon speeds up. After a few minutes of this, accompanied by gasping sighs and sinful moans, Eben reaches the precipice of his pleasure. The gorgon rubs soothing circles into the slightly discolored skin of his lover's hips, whispering soft praises for every jolt and twitch.

After the rush of endorphins has finally calmed, the half-elf smirks drunkenly. "Here you are treating me so nice but it's your birthday."

Adder leans over, kissing his partner on the forehead. "Yes, it's my birthday, so please go make me breakfast."

Eben entraps the gorgon with his arms, pouting. "You don't want me to return the favor?"

The gorgon yawns, easily breaking free to curl back in bed. "Return the favor with eggs and bacon."

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