overcrowded ER (iideku + dadzawa)

Começar do início

"Is Izuku okay?" He asked weakly.

The doctor was silent for a minute, "come with me, let's sit down."

Iida and Aizawa shot eachother a look, but stuck close together as they followed the doctor to a cozy room, fit with a couch and a table for them to sit at.

"Izuku has meningitis." The doctor dropped.

A hand went over Aizawa's mouth and he turned his head to the side, images of his student's seizure and stiff neck and many many tears sifting over his vision. His own vision was suddenly blurred by tears as the doctor went on and deepened his guilt for not realizing.

"We are still trying to find the origin of it's development, but it was severe, as you figured out by the seizure. He had severe swelling in his brain and a massive buildup of spinal fluid. He's currently being treated with antiviral and antibacterial solutions, but is being held in the ICU due to the severity of his condition, meaning until he improves, you also will not be allowed to visit him. Getting any kind of illness could be deadly for him right now." The doctor explained.

"Can we at least say hi? Let him know that he's not alone? I don't want him to feel scared." Iida said, urgently wanting to make sure his boyfriend was alright.

"That's part 2. He's currently in a medically induced coma so his brain doesn't have to worry about anything except recovering from this. He's on a ventilator to keep him breathing, and though it's hard to tell so soon after the initial incident, I think he's going to make a fair recovery." The doctor explained, "he's under our absolute best care."

Iida wiped away another tear.

Aizawa just nodded, his mouth still in his hand as he tried to focus on their next steps. No matter what, he just couldn't. He couldn't stop thinking of how much his student had been hurting and how little he could do to help. He had failed as a hero.

"What's next?" He croaked.

"We will keep you all updated as Midoriya improves. We will call you when he's stable enough to be taken out of the coma. From there, we don't know what kind of symptoms he'll present. He has definitely experienced brain damage. A lot of the time meningitis this severe leads to loss of hearing or vision and trouble moving. Prepare to help him, I can tell you two already are. Your next steps need to be go home, take a day or two off. Get his mom here, I know you filled out that you were filling in as his legal guardian while his mother was out of town." The doctor explained, pausing for a minute to scribble something (legibly!) On a piece of paper, and then slipped it towards Aizawa.

"This is my personal phone number. I am the head doctor assigned to Midoriya 's case, please call me if you have any questions." The man said, eager to help them and compassionate towards their situation, "I'll be with you all every step of the way."

And with that, Iida and Aizawa went back to UA. Class was cancelled for the rest of the week, and resumed after the weekend had finished.

Izuku still wasn't in class.


A week after Izuku had been put into a coma, he had recovered enough to be woken up.

Iida and Aizawa both came back and we're fully sanitized before being able to see him and be with him when he was woken up. His ventilator had been removed and he had been supplemented with extra oxygen instead. He still had a feeding tube down his nose.

They were with him when he opened his eyes.

Izuku didn't know what was going on at first, all he knew was his body felt heavy. He had never felt so weak and fatigued in his life.

The second thing he noticed was feeling crowded. Something on his face, something in his hand, something over his chest. He blinked a couple of times, trying to grasp his spinning surroundings. Everything was a bit blurry, not quite coming into focus.

The third thing he noticed was how everything was really quiet. It was like he heard sound, but he was far underwater whereas the sounds were above the surface.

The last thing he noticed was a cool hand holding his.

Weakly, he squeezed it, dragging his eyes towards the familiarity and seeing a vague outline of the boy he knew was Iida.

He blinked slowly again, a smile raising faintly to his lips as he spoke the comforting words, its implications filling him with joy despite hearing no physical sound from himself.


Anyways guys update (whattttt!?!?)
Did this instead of college applications 😍😍😍😍
Hope you enjoyed
I enjoyed writing it
Stole a whumptober prompt for this one lolol they're pretty good this year.

mha sick fics (angst)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora