tourettes (dadzawa / dadmic)

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(a request)

Izuku was diagnosed with tourettes syndrome. Throughout all of his childhood he had been bullied and picked on by everyone around him for his strange behavior.

But now, Izuku was in highschool. Training to be a hero. People understood.

And the less stressed he was about it, the easier it was to calm his tics.

Even though he was much less anxious with his class at UA, ometimes his tics picked up for no reason, heavily rendering his normal life and preventing him from functioning normally.

Today was turning out to be one of those days.

Aizawa and Mic were teaching the hero training class together today. It was early in the morning, 7am. Class 1A stood groggily in a crowd in front of the two teachers, waiting for instructions. A couple students were harmlessly warming up their quirks.

A spark here, something floating there, and among it all both teachers saw Midoriya standing in the crowd uncomfortably, blinking harshly, a common tic of his. Then one they hadn't seen in a while, his arm jerking up and hitting him in the soft spot right in front of his armpit. They could hear the hit, even among everything, and by the way Izuku grimaced, it hurt.

They saw his struggle. Today his tics were more disruptive and aggresive, and causing visible discomfort.

Izuku stood idly in the crowd, no one really talking to him. Everyone was either having the usual morning conversation, or just minding their own business as his tics worsened.

The more he ticced, the more anxious he felt, and the more anxious he felt, the more he ticced. It was a vicious cycle.

Soon the bell rang and class started. Once Izuku was forced into the quiet of his intently listening class, his tics only worsened.
As Aizawa explained the instructions, Mic found Izuku, who had stepped to the back of the group as he experienced a tic that caused his arm to pull him back, like he was trying to elbow someone behind him.

Mic could tell Izuku was panicking slightly and everything was getting worse.

"Hey, take deep breaths." He said, reaching out to rub Izuku's back.

Izuku's neck jerked to the side, causing him to bump into Mic.

"I'm sorry-" he whispered to Mic, clearly flustered and overwhelmed at everything happening.

"Don't sweat it." Mic said back, giving Izuku a comfortable pat on the back.

Izuku's neck continued to jerk to the side. Over and over. He reached up to his neck as it ached in pain. It hurt worse every time.

He suddenly had a loud vocal tic. He slapped his hand over his mouth afterwards. It only continued, over and over, followed by his neck jerking. He couldn't even listen to instructions at this point he was ticcing so much, and first period wasn't even a quarter of the way done.

"Midoriya, let's go somewhere a little quieter." He said, carefully leading Izuku away from the group and back inside the building linked to the outdoor training facility.

They sat down on a bench inside. It was quiet, no one else was there.

"Just let it all out." Mic said, "don't try and hold it in because it's not helping, I can tell. I can leave you alone if you need."

"No-" he was interupted by a vocal tic and his head jerking to the side, "it's fine." He continued.

He continued to tic harshly for a couple of minutes, every once in a while Mic would catch the boy holding his breath until a big spree was over. He had to remind him to breathe.

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