not so prim and proper (Momo x jiro)

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(a request! Kind of a short one, 800 words, but it's ok bc it's cute!)

Momo was nearly never sick. The last time she remembered being sick was when she was a little kid.

That's why when she woke up feeling nauseous in the middle of the night, the first thing she associated it with was carsickness.

She didn't think anything was wrong. But she couldn't manage to fall back asleep, and the carsick feeling was getting really intense.

She got up to take some Advil, hoping that would make it go away. Her best friend and biggest crush with a quite sensetive hearing quirk showed up soon after she went out of her dorm.

"What's up?" Jiro asked quietly.

Momo whipped her head around, her black ponytail falling over her shoulder, "oh! Jiro, you scared me. I just woke up feeling a bit sick. It's nothing, I just need a bit of help getting back to sleep."

"Oh, okay, do you feel like you're gonna throw up?" Jiro asked curiously.

Momo shifted uncomfortably. Is that was this felt like? It was very uncomfortable, and her stomach felt large and bloated.

"I don't know. I don't think so?" Momo responded, unsure about her answer. Her stomach groaned and she felt the nausea become more intense than she ever remembered feeling.

"Actually I..." Momo began, but Jiro had already caught on and began to lead Momo to the downstairs bathroom

Jiro carefully guided her into the handicap stall, ensuring she didn't feel cramped, trying to keep her calm.

Jiro swept back Momo's bangs in a swift motion, "just try, you'll feel better afterwards."

Momo began to respond, "But how do I-" but was interupted with a gag. Momo quickly sat up over the toilet, her whole body was shaking.

The she vomited.

She sat up afterwards, her face red with embarrassment and possibly fever. She wiped her mouth, and then began to apologize, "that was gross I'm so sorry! I didn't know this was really gonna happen but I feel a lot better now-"

"Momo! It's okay" jiro said kindly, "really, don't worry about it, I'm more worried about you being sick. Do you have a thermometer or a first aid kit in your room?"

Momo shrugged, "I don't know. I don't ever get sick like this." She said.

"Okay well let's grab you a glass of water and go look, okay?" Jiro said, helping Momo stand up. Momo nodded.

By the time they got up to the dorm, Momo had noticed how the nausea was getting worse again. After Jiro helped take her temperature, she explained she was feeling sick again and left for the bathroom.

But Jiro followed Momo right in and sat behind her as she hung over the toilet. Jiro held back her bangs as she vomited again.

When she was done she sat back. Jiro moved next to her and massaged her stomach. Jiro could hear it groan.

She didn't stop though, Momo didn't tell her to. Her stomach got increasingly louder and Momo got more tense until she let out a wet burp. She put a hand under her mouth as bile dripped down and positioned herself over the toilet.

Then she heaved again.

Jiro rubbed her back, "you're okay, you're okay." She said calmly, seeing that Momo was crying.

Momo leaned back, Jiro let her rest her head on her shoulder.

"You're okay, it's just a stomach bug." She said, "that's all, it'll be gone soon."

Momo nodded with a sniffle, "I'm sorry all this as been so- gross. You didn't have to be here with me- I'm usually so much more put together than this, but thank you for being here." She said, wiping away a tear with a smile.

Jiro smiled back, "of course I'd be here with you. You don't always have to be so prim and proper, you're perfect in every way already. Hopefully you're feeling better soon."

Momo was a bit red faced, thankful she could blame it on the fever, "thank you, I think I just need a good night's sleep. Will you tell Aizawa I won't be there tomorrow before class?"

Jiro nodded, "of course I will."

Momo smiled and stood up, flushing the toilet as she did, "I'm gonna brush my teeth, sorry for keeping you up."

"No problem at all, I had the bug a few days ago... It's the least I can do as someone who's immune." Jiro said with a grin.

Once Momo was done she climbed into her bed. Jiro took her blankets and made sure she was cozy and comfortable, Momo was already almost asleep.

Jiro leaned over and planted a small kiss on Momo's cheek. Momo's eyes shot open, had she just dreamed it?

Jiro had turned to walk away.

"Jiro wait-" Momo called out.

Jiro turned, her cheeks a bright red, "hm?"

"I really like you too." Momo said with a smile. Jiro grinned back, walked to the door and shut off the lights.

"get some sleep Ms. Prim and Proper."

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