50| The Test

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Playing with the knife in my hand while watching Scar bleed is my new favorite pass time. How he tries and make me fall back in love with him is fucking ridiculous, he's only disappointing himself. Does he really think I'm that fucking dumb?

"Oh Brie Brie I love you so much let me go...even though you've been torturing me for the past week!"

Oh yeah Scar, let me just undo those fucking chains you dickweed.

He's losing his fucking mind here, it's pretty fun to watch.

"P-Please...let me go.." Scar's shaky voice spoke.

"They say I just got a buck yah, get into yah" I sang.

"STOP SINGING TO ME AND LET ME GO!" He screamed at the top of lungs.

".....call him Ed Sheeran he in love with my body.."

Scar groaned in frustration, all of the physical torture isn't enough, my singing is mental torture and that's what we need here.

He sighed, letting his body get weaker and weaker. "You're just like your father." He said.

Recently, he's been trying to get under my skin by mentioning Jason. The first time really triggered me, but now, I don't care.

"Oh I know," I sarcastically replied, "it's like I have his DNA or something." I returned to singing my heart out, making him even more enraged.

Marco, Damon and Alejandro then walked in, shaking their heads.

"Are you still singing to him!? It's been three hours!" Alejandro told me.

"SAOKO PAPI SAOKOOOO!" I scream sang.

"Okay..." Marco spoke. "I think that's enough singing for you, you're going to lose your fucking voice."

He's got a point.

I turned around to an exhausted bloody Scar.

"This time tomorrow, yeah?" I smirked.

My brothers, the Zaid siblings and I have been taking turns on torturing Scar. You see, we got some information that Scar tried to sell Nour.

Yes people, you heard right, he tried to sell his own sister. If that isn't fucked up, I don't know what is. Anyways, Rafael is taking me on a date!

Soooooo, let's show y'all my outfit!

Yes, I am going out in my pajamas and I don't want any shit from y'all!

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Yes, I am going out in my pajamas and I don't want any shit from y'all!

Okay guys, I guess it's time to tell y'all....

I'm pregnant.

Yes, I'm not joking this time. I'm so fucking nervous to tell Rafael, I don't know how he'd take it...


Hala, Nour and I sat in my bathroom, waiting for the test results. My nerves were eating me alive. I've been throwing up for the past two mornings, I just thought I had some bug.

"You're probably not even pregnant! Don't worry Brie!" Nour said, rubbing my back.

"I know," I sighed. "It's just scary.."

Scary? No. Terrified? Yes.

Beckham walked into the bathroom, finding us all sitting on the floor.

"Bathroom party? Count me in!" He smiled, taking a seat on the floor.

Nour and Hala looked at me with worry in their eye.

It's just Beck, you can tell him...

"I think I'm pregnant." I whispered to Beck.

"NO WAY! CIRO CAN HAVE A FRIEND!" Beckham screamed before Hala punched him.

"SHUT UP!" She screamed at him. Beckham put his index finger on his lips.

I took the test, turning it around to see the result.



So yeah, I'm scared...

I cried and cried until I couldn't. I'm terrified of becoming my father. Even though I know I'm nothing like him, I don't want my kids to look at me like I looked at Jason.

So yes, I'm pretty fucking terrified.

Rafael walked into our kitchen, looking confused as hell. I had to replace my anxiety with excitement.

"Briella, why aren't you dressed?" He asked.

"Excuse me!?" I dramatically gasped. "This is my outfit! Now, move your butt, I want ice cream!"

Rafael chuckled before placing his hand in mine, we walked out to his car. He opened the door for me, which I could've done myself...


Sorry brain...

Once he got in the car, he gave me the biggest smile, showing off his dimples. My anxious brain wouldn't stop annoying me. I just couldn't think straight...

~1 hour later~

We sat on an isolated beach, which I love. He knows I hate crowded places, especially restaurants. Raf sat up, watching the waves.

This is your time...

"Raf...I have to tell you something?"

"Wait!" Raf smiled. "I need to ask you something."

Oh fuck....

"Briella, I love you so goddamn much. I'd do anything for you. You've filled my life full of hope,healing and love."

What is he talking about?

"So, Briella Luna De Luca," he spoke, pulling out a tiny box.

Oh holy moly.

He opened the tiny box, revealing a huge diamond ring.

"Will you make me the happiest man and be my wife?"

"I'm pregnant."

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