43| Rehab

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I've been in rehab for a week now, it's honestly not too bad. The withdrawal symptoms are horrible though. I've been put on meds in case I have a seizure. I'm glad I told my family the truth, especially Briella.

She's visits me everyday, she even brought my favorite hoodies but she did steal one. Which doesn't bother me, I'm glad we're on good terms now.

I have an amazing family, I seriously fucked up but they forgave me with open arms, and I couldn't be more grateful.

I'll be staying here for a few months, I've got real bad cravings for it  but I've gotten this far, I can't turn back now.

Drugs make you go crazy, it makes you do things you'd never thought you'd do. I never thought I'd betray my sister but I did. And it was all for a temporary fix. I've smoked weed before, never got addicted to that. I've drank, never got addicted. But coke, god, I fell for it.

I was no longer thinking of what I wanted or needed. My mind was stuck on my next fix, even if it broke people around me. And that's not me, that's just not me. I care for those around me, I love those around me and with coke, I didn't care for anyone but myself.

The therapy here has really helped me understand everything. I started taking coke when Briella left, it wasn't because she left, it was due to my own struggles and battle. Jason replayed in my mind, how he verbally abused us at such a young age.

I was young when he left but I still remember it like yesterday. I don't want to end up like him, that's not me. Marco raised me better than that.

Fiona visited me two days ago, she told me how proud she is of me, and I burst into tears. I don't understand why my family still have respect for me after what I did. She is like my second mother, she has always been there for us. I owe Fiona and Margot my whole life, they were there for us when no one else was.

I've learned how to show my gratitude to my family. For example:

Marco, he was more of a father figure for me. He took me to school, showed up to the parent teacher meetings, got me when I was suspended. He made sure we had food, clothes and a roof over our heads, and I'm forever grateful for him.

I'm grateful for all of my brothers but Marco and Rocco raised us. They were always there, even when we annoyed them.

Briella. My baby sister. My little minion. She's taught me more lessons than anyone else in this world. She taught me how to calm down, breath and let go. She also taught me how to be me, how to express and embrace the parts that I hate about myself. She's the youngest but definitely the brightest and smartest.

"Ian De Luca!" A worker shouted. "Your family is here!"

I got up immediately and went to the "family" room as they call it. There sat Marco, Damon, Leo, Bruno, Alejandro and Briella.

"Hi!" Briella smiled, waving her hand.

"How are you doing?" Alejandro asked me.

"I'm doing good, therapy is helping." I replied.

"You look better already!" Leo said while pulling me into a hug which I gracefully returned.

"Doesn't feel like it," I chuckled, trying to make a joke out of it, "but I'm getting there."

Briella grabbed her bag and pulled out my laptop that I asked for. Marco then began to speak. "We'll try and get more things that will make you comfortable, except that hoodie that Briella has."

I felt as if I could cry. Knowing that they're here for me with no judgment and no questions. "Thank you for visiting me everyday." I told my siblings. "It makes this a bit easier for me."

"We'll always be here for you." Briella smiled.

"Is the food good here? I'm starving." Bruno seriously asked, earning a punch on the arm by Damon.

And this is why I love them.

"How's Nicole?" I asked, Rocco came by yesterday telling me she's been having Braxton Hicks contractions.

"She's in the hospital right now," Marco explained. "So, you'll be an uncle again soon!"

"And how's Ciro?"

"He got Beckham's tooth brush stuck up his nose again." Briella chuckled, god, I missed these guys.

"I love y'all." I told them.


"We love you too."

"Damon don't call your brother a simp!"


I would like to say this. All of the information I got is from google about withdrawals and stuff. I'm really sorry if it's not realistic! I know addiction is a very sensitive topic and I really hope I haven't offended anyone. If there's anything that you notice isn't right, please let me know!

I love you all and please stay safe and healthy <3

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