46| Show Time Bitches

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Why hello there my lovely little people. Would you like to hear our plan?


Okay, here it is;

The Lebanese and French will be in the same warehouse tonight, perfect time to get them.

Beckham, Leo, Violet and Alejandro will be staying in the van, giving us orders. They have placed cameras everywhere, Violet helped them hack into the cameras inside the warehouse.

Jakub, Derek, Viviana, Gi, Marco, Theo, Damon, Cassidy and Hayoon-Aera are going after the French, Alliana and Serena will be on a rooftop as they're a snipper. They'll be shooting anyone who tries to escape.

Damn, there's so much people.

Rocco will not be attending, Nicole is in the hospital, we don't know if she's about to give birth or not.

Nour, Faye, Kamal, Niamh and Bruno will be distracting the guards, since Kamal has a good relationship with them. They'll be drugging the guards with a injection, which is extremely smart. And then, they'll kill them.

Now, Rafael and I will be going after Scar. I'm not killing him instantly, I will torture that bitch. We don't know if Scar's men will be there, they probably will be.

I won't be going after them, just Scar.

And yes, we are here right now. It's show time bitches!

There's no guards in the back doors, stupid hoes, so we'll be entering that way. We were faced with seven tall men, they immediately grabbed their guns but they were too late. We're faster.

"Good shot Briella!" Marco smirked. I gave him a small thumbs up before going on with the mission.

We all separated, Rafael and I rushed up the stairs, that's where Scar and the Don of the French are.

"Okay, stay there!" Violet said through the ear piece. "Scar's men are down the stairs, it's only Scar and Romeo up there."

We heard the gunshots from down the stairs, hoping that Scar and Romeo couldn't hear. If they did, we're fucked!

"Okay, Romeo is now leaving, Rafael, it's your time to shine." Violet spoke. Rafael kissed me before getting into position to shoot Romeo.

Once Romeo left the room, Raf shot him straight in the heart, making Scar aware of the invasion. Scar rushed out, I snuck up behind him and roughly hit him around the head with my gun. He instantly fell to the floor, he had blacked out by the impact.

I turned around to Rafael, seeing someone sneak up behind him.

"RAF!" I screamed. The man shot Raf in the arm. I took the opportunity to shoot the man right between the eyes, instantly killing him. I ribbed a piece of my clothing off and wrapped it over Rafael's wound.

"Are you okay?" I anxiously asked Raf.

"I'm okay butterfly, don't worry," he said while kissing me. "Nothing I haven't faced before."

Marco, Theo and Paul ran up, they grabbed Scar's body and we left immediately. I left a tiny bomb inside, once we got in the van and started driving away, I pressed the button, making the warehouse explode.

Mission: Complete.

"Is there any casualties?" Marco asked Violet. Their hands intertwined with one another.

"A few bullet wounds, nothing too fatal." She smiled.

I love their relationship, it makes me so happy to see my brother and my friend in love. I checked my phone, seeing a message from Rocco.


Come meet your niece


Yep! How did the mission go?


"NICOLE GAVE BIRTH!" I screamed, making everyone jump by my voice. "WE HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL!"

"We need to change first Briella! We're covered in blood!" Marco told me, making my eyes roll.

"It's nothing they haven't seen before Marc!" I told him off.

We have to go to the hospital anyway, my little love got shot!

"We have no time Marco! Raf is shot! Nicole just had a baby! HOSPITAL NOW!"

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