1| Just My Luck

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Come on Brie... just do it. No, that is not a Nike reference.

I tiptoed around the mess I call my house, hopefully not waking the dragon from his slumber. I don't live a dragon y'all don't get your panties in a twist. I'm talking about my sperm donor.

He came home thirty minutes ago, completely out of his mind on drugs and possibly alcohol. I heard a thud that came from the kitchen so I'm guessing he passed out there. I just got to leave this shithole and meet Tillie.

Tillie isn't my friend, she's my drink friend. There's a huuuuuge difference.
She provides the drink, I provide the weed I stole from my sperm donor. We don't actually like each other, but we're all we've got.

I got into the front hall, being as quiet as a fucking mouse. I slowly opened the door but to my luck, it made a big ass noise. Like "EEEEEEE"

Like, what the fuck door? What's your problem with me?

I then ran for my life, literally. I woke the dragon from his precious slumber. He may be off his tits with drugs but man, can that guy run. Hearing his drunken mumbles brought me great fear, if he caught up to me, he could literally kill me.

I ran into a dark alley, hiding my figure behind a huge trash can. And that's how you get away from scary old men, unless they find you. Then it doesn't work...whomp whomp.

I made my way out of the alley and found myself on the sidewalk, I had a five minute walk to get to Tillie the Hill Billy bastard. Sorry Tils...

My barely working phone buzzed in my pocket, I knew it was Tillie, asking me where the fuck I am. As I walk, looking down at my phone, some dick bumped into me.

"Oh shit did I bump into you?" I asked nicely. "Sorry."

"Yeah you fucking did." The mystery dickhead huffed.

Jesus, don't be such an asshole.

"You bumped into me, you asshole!"

"Oh? What are you gonna do about it? Hurt me?" The man laughed. His cocky grin could make the most stable person mad.

I wish I could say I can let this go, but I'm just not that girl. I kicked him in the balls, he groaned in pain, clutching onto himself. I then punched him in his stupid ass face, blood dripping down his nose onto my fists. He reached his pockets, I was 100% sure this man was pulling out a gun. He then pulled out his badge, revealing that I just assaulted a fucking police officer. Just my fucking luck, am I right?

However, if he's a police officer, can I say that he verbally assaulted me? He also mocked me!

He then held me down and cuffed my hands behind my back. But I for one was not apologising. Fuck no. Not today Satan, not today.

~Two hours later~

I sat in the questioning room or something, I don't know the professional word for it. Singing Doja Cat to myself. I'm usually in this place at least three time a week, I make their jobs a bit more fun. Sometimes my sperm donor bails me out, with money that I didn't think we had.

A familiar face came walking in. He shook his head in disbelief, scrunching his nose at me.

"Gerald! Long time no see!" I smiled at him.

His eyebrows went down, "Brie , I seen you on Monday."

"Yeah...long time no see! Feels like forever" I joked, I love this guy.

"Brie, we have to talk." He whispered, looking at me sympathetically.

"What's up big G?" I questioned.

He took a deep breath before sighing. He glanced down at his fingers, clearly building himself up to speak.

"It's your dad, h-he's dead."

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