33| Blood

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"P-Please..." Ian spoke through his broken voice. "Let me explain..."

"No! I was in a fucking coma Ian! Fighting for my life and you knew who put me through that?! And didn't tell a single soul?" Tears escaped from my eyes, I didn't want to cry in front of my ex and my new boyfriend but I couldn't help myself.

Marco rushed over to Ian and punched him, I didn't even stop him but Damon and Leo tried to. The pain from the accident was automatically replaced with pain of betrayal, my brother betrayed me.

How am I meant to look at him and not want to kill him?

"And you!" I turned around, pointing to Scar. "Don't ever, EVER, think you're getting back together with me. Tell your lowlife scum bag of a brother to fuck himself!"

I grabbed Beckham's gun from his waistband and stormed out. I got into some random car and quickly drove off.


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I walked down the stairs with Ciro in my arms, witnessing the mess.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked, I turned my face to Scar. "And why the fuck is he here!?"

Everyone turned around to me, I told Ciro to go to his play room, Scar's face dropped when he seen how much Ciro has grew. I hope he feels bad.

"Where's Briella?" I asked. Everyone looked around, only now realizing she had disappeared.

"Oh fuck!" Marco shouted, grabbing his keys and ran out the front door.

"Soooo..." I spoke. "Want to tell me what the fuck is happening?"

"Ian knew who hurt Brie and didn't say a thing." Miguel whispered.


"Where's my gun?" Beckham asked, feeling around his waist. Realization kicked in and his face dropped.

"Briella took my gun..."


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I stormed into the Zaid manor, finding my way down to the office. I interrupted a meeting, locking eyes with Farid.

"Miss De Luca? What's going on-"

I rushed over to Farid and grabbed him by his hair, trailing out of the room. Everyone stood up and watched as Abdul told them not to do a thing. I made my way to their foyer and pushed Farid down to the floor.

I continuously punched him in the face, the sound of his bones breaking brought me joy. He tried to stop me, but I couldn't contain the rage that bubbled inside me.Once his blood covered my fists, I stood up and grabbed the gun.

"Brie!" Abdul shouted. "Don't do something you'll regret!"

"Oh, Mr Zaid, I won't regret this. It's just payback." I shrugged before pulling the trigger. I shot him in the leg, then the arm, then his foot and began to storm out. But before I could, Marco showed up.

"Brie you're oka- WHAT THE FUCK!!!"


It had to be done, my love.

"It had to be done." I said before walking out, giving them no attention. I got in the car and drove off. Marco followed in his car.

I'm not sorry. I should've done more damage. Don't do something if you don't want revenge.
Karma is a beautiful thing, sometimes it's good, other times it's bad. I will raise hell upon this earth, so help me god.

I got home and walked to the kitchen, Marco hurried behind me.

"Where were you?! Why is...there blood all over you?" Damon asked me. I placed Beckham's gun on the countertop with a satisfied smile.

"I payed a little visit to Farid." I said before making my way up to my room. Rafael followed behind me.

"God....that was hot." Raf told me closing the door.

"Can I stay with you for a while?" I asked him. "I can't stay here with Ian."

"Of course, get some things."

Marco Polo👨‍🦲

I'm staying with Rafael for a while

Brie, are you sure?
We're going to talk to Ian

100% sure

Okay...stay safe please

I will,love you Marco

Love you too amore

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