12| Imperfect

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During training, I got to know Derek and Jakub more, they're both fucking hilarious! Faye and Violet came by earlier, Derek was a bit off when he saw Faye but he knows he can't do a thing to her. I also really like Hayoon-Aera, she's such a sweetheart!

Jakub, Hayoon-Aera, Rafael and I were having the best time, I caught a glimpse of Scar's jealousy but I couldn't give two flying fucks. I think he noticed how close Rafael was to me, he hand his hand on my knee and I don't think Scar liked that.

It was time for everyone to go home, I said my goodbyes to everyone and immediately went to the kitchen.

I'm fucking STARVING!

I thought everyone was away...but someone just had to appear out of nowhere.

"Why are you still here?" I asked him.

"I want to talk to you."

Oh fuck off Scar.

"No scar," I began. "You're engaged, I'm moving on and I don't want to hear it."

I've always wanted to know why he did it, why he went out and slept with someone else. He broke my trust and I can't put back the shattered pieces.

"Briella, I don't love Victoria, it's an arranged marriage." Scar spoke, I looked at Scar, trying to find an indication of a lie but it wasn't there. Or is he just a good liar?

"You need to leave." I replied, shaking off my thoughts.

"I know I've hurt you princess, but I can't imagine the rest of my life without you. Nobody else will love you like I do."

Did he....

Is he a dumb cunt?

"Do not call me princess." I demanded. "You had your chance Scar."

He then took a seat, which pissed me off more. Why the hell is he making himself at home?!

"What was the letter about?" He spoke up, locking eyes with mine.

The memories of writing that letter flooded my mind, how I cried and couldn't hold myself together. The emotions I felt while writing the letter, the shakiness of my hands softly moving across the page.
I roughly bit my bottom lip, trying to hold my tears in.

"I was just explaining things." I muttered, I couldn't even look at him. I don't want to fall back in love with him but dear god, he's making it so hard for me.

"You should leave." I told him.

"I want to talk to you Briella, it's been two fucking years!" Scar's raised his voice.

"Don't you think I know that?!" I shouted back. "Why the fuck are you acting like the victim? I done what I had to do, now you should leave."

Scar stood from the seat, instantly looked at me and spoke once again,

"I love you Brie."

Then he left.

I waited until I heard the door close and broke down. I lost the feeling in my legs and fell to the floor, I placed my chin on my knees and silently sobbed. Rocco then walked in, looking happy as a pig in shit.

"Hey Brie have you ever- what the fuck? What's wrong?!" He asked me, getting down to my level.

"Can you ask Marco to take over the training for the next few days?" I sobbed, Rocco shook his head and held me close to him.

"Is this about Scar?" Rocco whispered, I slowly nodded while wiping my tears away. Rocco took his hoodie off and put it on me, he then held his hand out. I politely accepted as we made our way up the stairs.

"Do you want me to stay?" He asked while tucking me into bed. I shook my head no and melted into the comfy pillow. I grabbed my phone and texted Rafael.

Raf Raf🦖

are you busy?

nope, want to go for a drive?

god yes please

are you alright?

im okay, just a bit upset

okay butterfly, I'll be there soon.

Instead of facing my brothers, I decided to text in the group chat.

Fat juicy slutty sibling cult🗿

Me: guys imma go out with Rafael for a while

Marco Polo👨‍🦲: Okay, I'll talk to you later

Ham🦧: Can I come?

Me: nah babe soz

Ham🦧: damn it!

I softly chuckled at my phone before getting out of my bed, I put my slides on, grabbed my bag and made my way down the stairs. Five minutes had past, Rafael called me.

"I'm here! " He spoke over the phone. I walked out to see his usual smiley face but it suddenly dropped when he seen the state I was in. I hopped in the passenger seat and took a deep breath.

"Let's get out of here." Raf said, pulling into gear. We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before I spoke up.

"Are you sure you want to be with me?" I muttered, catching Raf off guard.

"Of course, you're amazing!" Raf happily smiled. "What happened Brie? You seem a bit shaken up."

The whole underworld knows Scar and I's breakup, I don't want to bombard Rafael with my ex problems.

"Just ex things." I quickly replied.

"Scar?" Raf said, in a serious tone. I couldn't even answer, if I did, I'd cry.

"I'm sorry Brie, you can talk to me if you're comfortable with that."

I looked up at Raf with my teary eyes, he slowly stopped the car and turned his attention to me. He then rubbed my face with his thumb, I lay my head on his shoulder while he started driving again.

"If we are going to be official," I started. "I have to warn you, I'm not perfect."

"Imperfection is divine, mi amor."



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