24| Hospital Bed

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The De Luca brothers ran into the hospital with Briella in Marco's arms, screaming for help. They couldn't find a pulse, her blood was dripping onto the floor, the crazy atmosphere crept in.

The doctors ran up to Briella's lifeless body and rushed her into surgery. Other doctors rushed Rafael into a room, as he didn't need surgery.

The mafia groups all waited for the doctors to run out, they had called the O'Connors, Zaid's and Yang's. Hayoon-Aera and Gi ran into the hospital, worry covered their faces.

"What happened?!" Gi shouted.

"S-She crashed..." Ian's voice broke.

Everyone's first thought was the French. They might have known about the mission by a rat, maybe they were waiting for the right time to hurt Briella. Knowing it would kill her brothers and people around her.

A few hours had past, a doctor came out of Rafael's hospital room. Miguel and the Spanish showed up two hours ago.

"He's stable for now, just a few cuts and a broken arm. We're going to do a scan on his brain for any brain bleeds." He told them, Miguel sighed from relief before grabbing onto the doctor.

"Do you know anything about Briella De Luca?" He asked.

"Um...no. Not yet." The doctor said before walking away.

They were all left without answers, worries crept into their minds. What if she dies? Her bleeding was extremely severe.
The blood that poured from Briella stained Marco's clothes. The sight of his lifeless sister will never leave his mind.

They all rushed into Rafael's room, finding him in a deep sleep. Scars and bruises lay on his face, a cast on his arm and IV drips all around him.

But what about Brie? What's going to happen to her?

But what about Brie? What's going to happen to her?

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It's been seven hours since the doctors told us what's happening. I can't just sit here and wonder if my sister is dead! I called Violet and Faye, they dropped everything and came as fast as they could.

Rafael woke up, completely confused. The doctors put him on some pain medication for his arm and cuts. Thankfully, he doesn't have a bleed in his brain.

I sat in the waiting room with Violet, the Zaid twins and my brothers. Suddenly, a doctor came out...bloody.

"What's going on?!" Hala shouted.

"What's happening to my sister?!" Beckham asked the doctor.

"Is she dead?"

The doctor took a deep breath in, his hands were shaky.

"Briella suffered serious damage, her head is split open so we're going to have to stitch it back together...she's in a coma. We don't know when she's going to wake up."

Those words.


They don't know when she's going to wake up or if she's going to wake up?

Don't they fucking realize that we're not dumb? We seen the blood spill out of her body. We. Fucking. Seen. It.


Short but sweet x

Sorry it's not sweet at all POOR BRIELLA I PUT HER THROUGH HELL

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