2| Last Goodbye

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"Your dad, h-he's dead"

I looked Gerald straight in the eye, trying to find any detection of a lie.

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA THAT'S A GOOD ONE GERALD!" I laugh alone, unable to recognize his silence.

He sighed once again. Before holding my hand in his.
"I'm not kidding Brie, he's passed away. He overdosed on the streets an hour ago. A neighbour called 911 but he died at the scene. I'm so sorry." Gerald continued.
I sat there, completely silent. Trying to hide the relief on my face. He's dead. I'm alone. I'm free. Did he overdose chasing after me? Did I do that?

"We do have good news."

Boy you already gave me good news, hehehe.

"We found your brothers through the DNA database!"

Um... my what?

"Excuse me? I'm an only child." I explained. This guy must be pranking me now.

"Marco Enzo De Luca, is now your guardian, Brie. He's your biological brother."

My jaw dropped, I have a brother? What the actual fuck.

"Holy shit." I whispered. I ran my fingers through my wavy hair.

"I know, this is a lot to take in," Gerald sighed. "We've also got your full name, Briella Luna De Luca, it was never Brie Luna Ricci." My mind can't comprehend this, how do I have brothers? Why was my name changed? Who are my brothers?

"But you have to get your things packed, there's a jet prepared for you."

"A FUCKING JET! AM I GOING TO THE BAHAMAS?" My voiced echoed throughout the department.

Oh but you can comprehend that?

Shut up brain.

"No, New York. But keep your voice down Brie jeez!" Gerald joked. "Let's go, I'll drop you off at your place so you can get your stuff."

Okay let me give you some back story my guys.

My father abused me. Badly. In almost every single way. I started acting out in school. Started getting pulled into the police station for spray painting, fighting, shop lifting and shit like that. Anything that would get me into a protection service, so that they could see I needed help. But it never showed to them.
Gerald, the kind police officer, he's always been there. He's been a good parental figure for me. But don't get me wrong, acab, period. Just not Gerald, bless that guy.
I never told anyone about the abuse. I just....couldn't. I can't even think of how I'd phrase it. Gerald knows that I have a bad relationship with him, which is why he wasn't freaked out by my reaction of my sperm donor being dead. He doesn't know everything though.

I sat in the back of a cop car, slowly closing my eyes, listening to the rain.

-trigger warning-

"Are you fucking useless!?"
"Dad I didn't do anything! I promise! I just got home."
"Oh really? Then where did the bottle of whiskey go? Hm?"
"....did you drink it?"
"Oh that's it. I have had enough."
"Please dad... not again please."
"This is what you asked for. Now, lock the door."

-flashback over-


Gerald quickly stood back, concern in his eyes.
"Sorry Brie! You were asleep I was trying to wake you up... are you okay?"
I reassured him that I was fine and ran into the mess. I quickly went into a shit excuse for a room, aka, the fucking bathroom. I grabbed a bag and shoved my clothes in the bag.

I then got down to the front door before turning around to say my last goodbye. I hate this shithole but I grew up here. This was my house. I never felt as if this was a place of safety or contentment, it was more chaos and control.

I turned back around and slammed that door behind me, letting rain drops fall down my face. I got into the car, Gerald smiled at me, "you ready, kid?"

"I'm ready."

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